Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Next time you put on a neck tie, think of this guy...

These people don't get near enough credit for following the "star" around with a hundred pounds of gear...

Half of the battle when painting murals is getting there; meaning how to you get to the spot you need to paint.
Powered lift stages are the best, but I have a full array of scaffold and ladders.

Still awesome...

One of my very own...

That's my girl.....

"The Olympics are the hardest team in the world to make," Adriane Wilson.
"Hard work never killed anyone, but why risk it," Ralph Henry.

My, my, what do we have here?

Okay, boys, time for a shower....

....and I brought some new soap.....

Wouldn't you love to see this man's credentials?

We Americans call this water....
Cause money won't burn itself.

Send me in, coach, I want in the game.....

This woman has a human being growing inside her body. That is without a doubt the most awesome thing any human being can do....

Oh, look, Arnie has an old vagina on his face...

We know that animals evolve to give themselves a slight edge on longevity, thus a better chance of reproducing. Some changes, however, are just to be found attractive by a potential mate. Today a man will spend $80 on a ribbon to wear around their necks for the same reason.
That's why I grow a beard. Women like manly.

In 2006, Mexico had 50,000 murders.
That's civil war figures...and yet we do nothing.

In Russia, play can get you killed...

Be careful with sadness. It's a vice.

Saw this online and didn't know what it was...
Then I found this.....
I'm not even sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing.

Let's try to figure out who is getting filthy rich on continuing the outlawing of marijuana. Privatized prisons? Drug companies? Or the illegal drug people themselves.


This looks so nice....except for the bugs...and cleaning the muck out of the tub before using it.....and the briars....and the lack of WiFi.....

I am world class when it comes to making my meal come out even; meaning that everything on your plate is apportioned on the fork in such a way as to run out all at the same time. I think it ought to be an Olympic event.

This is how I look when I tell visiting children about entering my bedroom for any reason whatsoever....

I'm still having trouble with my GIF's. Some times they move everywhere except when it's posted. Anybody know what I'm doing wrong?

Give this one a minute....

A baseball game was stopped because a streaker ran onto the field. Casey Stengel was asked if it was a woman or man, he said, "I don't know, they were wearing a mask."

Kills more people than sharks....

I was 25 years old before I knew it was called a Brazil Nut.

To demonstrate the power of the internet, a university professor conducted an experiment where he placed many large, numbered red balloons all over America. The first person to find all all of them could win $40K. By using social networking, promising to share the prize money, it took only 9 hours.
In the same program it said that you could track the spread of an epidemic just by monitoring the number of people who called in sick to work and were home with their phones turned off.

Well, at least she doesn't sell out cheap....

Rap - Tourettes set to music.

Saw a great short clip about this guy working out with one of those exercise shaker things. From the back he looked exactly like he was jacking off....note policeman.....

Busted out of rehab.
They weren't serving beer; I wasn't serving time.

This is the damnest things I've seen in a long time....

I hate people who take drugs.
Like - cops, DEA, narcs, etc.

Do. Want.

The military had to order new boots for all of our troops in Afghanistan. It seems that the sole that worked well in Iraq's sand would fall apart in Afghanistan's rocks.
Interestingly, the company started shipping tens of thousands of new boots only one week after being made aware of the problem.

Bed that makes itself.
I never understood making beds. What's the point?

If you don't know where this is....you should....

One of my very own....

"The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts."
- Marcus Aurelius. 

Can you spot the non-Muslim warplane....

I think this is beautiful...

This is what playing poker with me looks like....usually....

TRUE: NALEO host tell attendees they need to hurry up and eat because their forks will be taken away before Obama takes the stage.

Just something to think about...

Saving a leopard....

Crosses road - Gets hit by a chicken.

I watched the news coverage as they speculated that this masturbation aid was a new kind of mushroom....

"i" before "e" except after "c".


Boyfriend complain about too much teeth?
Have I got a product for you!

Speaking of sucking dicks....

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