Friday, June 29, 2012


This is my girl competing for the US Team...
This is she and her husband...two of our favorite people.
It's 9 pm Thursday night and my wife just told me that she made the finals. I'm as nervous as if my own daughter was under this much pressure. To say I wish her the best is the ultimate understatement.

You go girl!

Good luck Colorado....

A lot of people say I look like him...

Hitler pin-cushion.....why not.....

Powerful image, this....
I just can't imagine being the photographer who talked her into this.

This gal has bricks in her belly....honest....
How they got there was never adequately explained.


Had a very gay instructor in a computer class. When it was finally over he announced he was having a party at his house and we were all invited. Myself and my buddy politely made excuses.
But when a female teacher told us she would attend, my friend and I made an over/under bet on the number of throw pillows he would have on his bed. I took over on 12 and the female teacher reported he had 18.

You younger people can not imagine how much truth there is in this cartoon.....

This doorknob disappears when the door is locked...

Ran across a bunch of old Obama humor things that I will sprinkle throughout this post....
I would have liked to have seen that.

 Now, it's painted naked people...

What a fucking image...

I was standing next to a man on the beer aisle and he was on the phone saying, "What kind of beer do you want? Busch? Nobody drinks Busch unless they're on parole."

I heard that originally the lime was placed on the beer to keep the flies away. Is that true?

My favorite bar has its beer on it's supposed to be.

What if oxygen makes our voices deeper and helium bring it back to normal?

This is a boat....The Island Boat....that is all....

I once asked my wife if she would consider a threesome and she answered, "Why would you want to disappoint two people?"

Oh, bitch, please....
Those people need to be locked up before they can lay eggs.

So, let me get this straight. The government can tape us just about everywhere we go, but we can't tape them.
Huuuuum, sound legit.

This woman could not state whether heroin was worse for people than marijuana....or meth.....or crack....or....
And she is FUCKING IN CHARGE!!!!

This is Ken's "friend"......


Holy Devil Child, Batman!

The greatest country on earth.....

A repost to put a smile on your face....

Scientist friend: The average person spends 18 hours online per week.
Me: You mean per day.
He: What?
Me: Chicken butt.
Then I giggled, but without mirth.

These kids are having a.........wait for it........ball.....

Dad of the Year.....

In life courage is the best character trait you can have. If you can fake that, you're in.

Scrolling through Netflix and ran across "Nude Nuns With Big Guns"; with a subtitle "This sister is a mother!"
Here's the set up: The Catholic church runs the cocaine business in Mexico. The priest make nuns process and package and deliver the drug. They do all this naked except for the headgear. If they fuck up or try to run away they are given to pimps to do what pimps do.
So this one, after being repeatedly raped is befriended by a doctor who gives her two pistols. She immediately shoots him in the forehead. As a matter of fact all 158 people killed in this movie were shot in the forehead.
So she goes after the people who tortured her and she came dressed like this.

Then later she came up with a machine gun, but it was never explained where she got it....

The final scene has the meanest man of all raping yet another nun and he gets his dick shot off....

And he picks it up to show it to us.......eeeewwwwwww....
Then he was shot in the forehead.

Dear TWP, That is not Obama......

I say it's only a matter of time...

Clever, this....

This is a good idea, especially when cutting the line...

Shit like this is going on all over the world and we worry about whether the government ought to criminalize 32 oz. drinks. Oh, well.

Don't judge me just because I sin differently than you.

So, why is this man considered a hero.....
 And this man is not?

Old people in wheelchairs rarely turn around to see who's pushing them.....just sayin'.....

I don't make up the statistics. I just make fun of them.

Highly motivated, she.......

Ladies, does this look like a normal foot position to you?

Well, it looks like the years haven't improved her mood...

Why is it that in tampon commercials the girls dance and laugh? Shouldn't they be revving up chainsaws and burning shit down?

We've all done this, haven't we...some more than others...

Well, let's hope so.

1 comment:

  1. Your family looks awesome.

    wrt the earth-womb photo — that's a guy, and it's also a self-portrait. It's Alex Stoddard.
