Saturday, June 30, 2012


It was 108 degrees in Columbia, SC today. That breaks the all-time record. I'm not sure most of you understand what that means. I contend that the difference between 100 and 101 is NOT one percent more discomfort. I would guess 10% more discomfort. Then you keep going to 102, which is 20% more discomfort than 101. You keep this shit up to 108 and you think you are going to fucking die. You can't breathe. You can't think. The bottoms of your feet are hot. Your scalp is hot. Your nasal cavities are hot.
Southerners get irritable in such discomfort. The drive-thru lady snarls at you for making her open her little window. No one holds a door open for another cause they want in the AC ASAP. Ice cream cones are stolen out of the hands of children. Trees weep. The water dripping for AC units causes gullies to form in otherwise well manicured lawns. My computer keys are flexible. 
The only upside is that the heat has killed off all the feral cats in the neighborhood; but their bodies just litter the lawns since no rodent or insect would dare venture out of the shade to consume the carcass.

It's a tax. Okay, then.

The government may force me to have health insurance, but they can never force me to respect my body.

Only in America would so many overweight, diabetic people with heart disease be upset that they're gonna have healthcare.

This is one magnificent bastard....

It's called juxtaposition and sometimes it's sad...

Who would have thunk that this bad ass would be one of our favorite characters?

Texas seems poised to raise the speed limit to 85....
Interestingly, our interstate highway system was designed for 85 mph.

First big soda, then what? Have you thought this thing through?

Two of my very own....

Better safe than sorry....

No comment.

Just a couple of reasons I like to live in a college town...


And this is WITH the end of the Cold War savings....

There ought to be a whole bunch of buttons like this...

This reminds me of me with my cat squirt gun...

(Why don't they drop all the garbage in there? )

Said to be true...

My wife left a note saying my dinner was on the stove...

Better to have loved and lost, than never have loved at all...

I've done this...

Does this cheap ass bench look out of place to anybody but me?

See anyone you recognize?
Upper right hand corner - Mick Jagger.

This is truly an enchanted place...

Put me in the game, coach.....

There is so much wrong with the picture, I don't know where to start...

Whenever I smell incense I get a little high....

I think this was a very, very funny movie....

This is all we need....well-armed nuns.....
(please don't tell me those are not nuns)

You want pathos? I got pathos.....

Robin wised up....

Who the fuck would judge something like this?!?

"You are going to regret that tattoo when you get old."
"Yeah, tell me about how beautiful you are going to be in 60 years.

1881 newspaper.....

I think we ought to have an Ugly Woman would be a hoot....

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