Thursday, June 28, 2012


Laid down for a nap before 2:30 Portugal/Spain soccer match. Wake up at 2:28.................boom.

And for every Ying there is a Yang. Moments after I woke up I lost my entire file of "Blue Quips" idea why.

There are a whole set of these....

I really like new solutions to old problems...

I couldn't agree more...

Not sure why this is a good thing...
It sort of reminds me of the wisdom of this...

Child poverty least we beat Romania...
"America is the best country that has ever been."
"Of course it is, snowflake."

Heard today today that even Japan is begging Germany to bail out Greece even more.

Finally, there are rumblings of reform in the war on marijuana.... 
Just an image I liked to look at....

John Wilkes Booth: Vampire Hunter Hunter

New stats out on Americans believing in UFO's.
Yes - 36%
No - 17%
Not sure - 48%
I find that healthy. There is evidence, although thin, that they have visited us.

Dads of the year.....

So what have the guys in the funny hats got to say today?

I know it's sophomoric, but I smile at sophomoric...

Well, things seem to have escalated rather quickly...

Interesting point...

The human brain....

This is why he gets the big bucks...

And it's name is bliss and it's a good thing...

What did the cannibal do after he dumped his girlfriend?
Wiped his butt.

I wonder how many 5 Hour energy drinks it would take to kill you.

 Get it?

 You might want to go back and look at that again.

Said it was made from discarded water bottles...I kind of doubt the discarded part...


There's no use being the richest cunt in the cemetary.

My wife says she doesn't fart....she whispers in her panties.

Seems counter-productive to me....
 You might want to read that again.

I'm not sure why every product needs to be packaged like this...

Mickey on Venus...

"How are you on this whole sportsmanship thing?"
"Never heard of it."

This has something to do with computer coverage....

There is a joke in here someplace....

Things like this impress me very much...

Those zany Australians....

Think about how these things changed the world....

Man missing lower half of his body climbs mountain...

By applying pressure to various ropes, these people are "walking" an Easter Island statue down the road.

Looks just like my dead friend, Carl Copeland...

Just in case you ever need to know...

Summer time.....that is all.....

Well, I notice that Barack is congratulating a man working for the government, and Mitt is hiring a man that works for himself.

Got to side with the humans on this one, old buddy. If there is any chance in hell that you get hungry enough to eat one of my babies, you lose.

I saw a freshly poured sidewalk that was besieged with these during the night. Hundreds of the poor bastards got trapped and left tiny imprints of their contorted bodies.

Surf's up....
This guy probably went to a garage sale and bought something that he had no idea of its function just because it was cheap.

And her name was Melancholy.....

How would you like to live where people are trying to kill you every fucking day?

A scope on a shotgun? Never heard of it.

"mother of for"??????....for the fun of it?????.....for keeps??

1 comment:

  1. I was gonna say that was a double rifle but the barrel's too thin, I think. You could put slugs through it, though without a rifled barrel you wouldn't get much accuracy, even with sabots. Screwy Russians...

    re predators: there's some quip in there related to 'smart genes' talk — "parents that leave unattended children in the territory of large predators deserve to lose said children" or suchlike.
