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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


I like this image. I love the eyes.
This, of course, is the infamous image of Mohammed by a Danish cartoonist. Millions think you are supposed to die if you look at it. Let me say that again...MILLIONS OF PEOPLE THINK THAT THEY SHOULD KILL YOU FOR LOOKING AT IT.
But this is not official dogma of Islam. Hundreds, if not thousands, of images of Big Mo have been around for centuries. Modern believers...JUST MADE THAT SHIT UP!!!
All over the world countless hordes protested the images of their self-proclaimed savior. The irony of protesting a cartoon of Big Mo as a violent man by threatening violence was completely lost on these humorless lemming bastards.
But let's look at how it really is.
This is Lahore in Pakistan... This is Dewsbury in the United Kingdom... I call these people Muslim rednecks. Every country has people who just make shit up to suit their needs. In America rednecks blame everything on blacks and Jews. Many Muslims blame everything on...well, you and me...and the Jews.
But then something interesting happened.
When "normal" Europeans began to see marches like the one below...
...They began to laugh, which in my opionion was understandable.
Images like this woman only added to the hilarity.
They gaffowed at this...AND SO DID I!!! Rolled in the aisles over things like this...(THE GLOVES!!!! JEEEEEZ) But then the whole matter returned to the peril of following their code. Security checks were NOT funny. The person below could be a 16 year old boy strapped with C4. There is no way to tell...lest we offend someone. And if you don't understand why that is dangerous, then you haven't been paying attention. Then a sane man stood up and shouted, "If we don't wake up soon, we are going to "politically correct" ourselves right out of our own country!"
The counter protests began. Noble events with serious signage. But then the tone shifted and the West's weapon of choice reared it's funny head.
The Europeans began to make fun of the crazy bastards... One of the first things to happen is that the leading edge of satire in the West, T-shirt designers, awakened. Thousands of people, mostly young, walked around proudly advertising their mockery. Then many, many more cartoons rolled off the presses. This one is my favorite. We call it reverse psychology. But they didn't just make sane people laugh, they made them think.
You must agree that this is insulting, but...BUT it insults people who need insulting more than any group of people on earth. Their prophet had sex with his six year old child wife, and if that doesn't insult you, you have ceded your right to be insulted. Some of the cartoons, in my opinion, went over the line. I mean, when was the last time you saw Jesus depicted with a monkey face. But, back to that burka thing, I find those and this equally hilarious.

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