About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My wife took a phone call from a young man who was writing an article for a magazine.  She told him I don't do phones and gave him my email address.  His first email asked me about a mural here in Columbia that I didn't do.  I replied that he should do just a little research before he bothers people.  There were several more awful emails, then he more or less insisted that I answer the questions....so I did.

There, it's fixed....

This man parks his car in his living room...and he's not the only one....
(Dear Mr. Cates, Your email failed twice.  What's up?)
I would love to meet this man...Arrrrrrrr!
Okay, the way I have it figured is that she is selling fish (or whatever that is), but she needs a mobile draft-free "shop" with doors and windows.  I think the pipe in front of the windshield is for a wood stove.  And....AND this great idea comes with a great security system...Mr. I Will Chew Your Balls Off Dog.

Speaking of such....I can understand it all.  While that last woman was selling the fish, her husband was out catching the fish, but check out the seats in the wagon...
No, no........NO, NO, NO.............................no.
"What are you doing, Honey?"
"I'm tying these two trees together so when they grow up in fifty years we will be dead and the new owners can enjoy them."

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Poor guy...
"Slipped away?!?!?!"

This is a lake in Austria that only exists for two months a year when the snow melts.  The other ten months it's a park...

Some of you may be too young to get this next one, but I can't help that...

Shopped...but mildly humorous...

I just heard these lines in a movie...
"How many men have you been with?"
"How many women have you been with?"
"High fifties, low sixties.  You?"
"How is that even possible?"
"Some of them were two at a time."
One of my very own...


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