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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


I used to think I knew about Americans. I like the old memories of telling a cop to get off your fucking porch without a warrant. I liked the civil disobedience of years past when people stood up for what they thought was right.
But now, we have turned into fucking lemmings!

Take a look at these next images.

The insanity of the procedures is what most infuriates me, but if you think for one minute that getting on an airplane is so very important to me that I would do what the man below is doing, in public, then you have sorely underestimated how much I cherish my freedom.

Ten years ago, who in their right mind would have even guessed that we would be having this discussion?

 Thank you, brave woman, for showing the rest of us what being an American looks like.

I know the below image is silly, but I fear if that's what the government decreed that we had to do, then you would have the vast majority of Americans shrugging and saying, "Well, the government must know what they are doing."
They have no fucking idea what they are doing. Did you see the little children being patted down? How could a parent allow that?!?!?!

And please don't tell me that I'm suggesting doing nothing and letting someone slip on a plane with a bomb. I know we have to do somethings; all I ask is that they use a little common sense. Hell, for a while they even made the pilots go through that non-sense, and that fucker is in control of the airplane!

Additionally, what the hell's up with blowing up airplanes? Shit, you could lob a mortar onto the field during a major football game and you would kill more people when they stampeded for the exit and crushed one another. 

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