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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Someone, knowing I am a mural artist, sent me these images. I was not impressed.

When your entire concept involves gluing on huge pictures....well, it kind of takes the challenge out of it for me...

99% of the people on earth would not like to visit a gallery where the artwork made you deal with IT. I am of the lonely 1%.

Yes, it's toast...and, no, I don't know why...

An igloo made of machines whose purpose is to keep things cold....the poetry works for me...

This is not photoshopped. The man makes tiny figures, paints them, then arranges them for our....amusement.

Reuse will take over the art world, in my humble opinion.


Obviously, this artist has never been dead...

The name of this piece is Slavery. Does it make just a little sense knowing that?

Reuse.  Write it down. The new art form.

This was done in jelly beans. The poetry of candy depicting Eye Candy works, but no...
it fails my test.

I have made several painting machines in my day. Most fell into the same trap as this one. Back and forth, back and forth....so what?
My favorite was the one where I hung dozens of heavy duty clips from string secured to the ceiling, then suspended a large canvas. By lowing or raising the clips I could create hills and valleys in the canvas. I would then pour paint and let it run down like a river and catch it at the lowest point. I repeated this until I had the effect I wanted.
The problem with this is the 80% we bullshit and we discarded. Figuring out when to discard a piece is one of the hardest things for most artists to do.

Read this!!!



Yes, this says exactly what it looks like it should say...


If you don't know why this is funny, it's okay, it really, really is...





Reykjavik, Iceland - The island is holding an election to select ordinary citizens to cobble together a new constitution; an exercise in direct democracy born out of the outrage following the nation's economic meltdown.

There is a website that allows you to follow your sewage from the point of origin to the processing plant.

A boss in Norway has ordered female staff to wear red bracelets during their periods.
I can only assume it is to give the male staffers a heads up on possible mood swings.

Make a fist with your left hand and squeeze your thumb inside. Put your right index finger down your throat. You now have no gag reflex.


One of my very own...


This looks soooooooo photoshopped, but it's not. This wheelchair bound woman was forced to strip down to her underwear and bra (IN PUBLIC!!!) when a detector picked up nitrates.

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