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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


I can only assume that you have been left behind by the Rapture. I find it interesting that the whole Rapture idea was just invented by a guy from Scotland a century or so ago. I find it interesting, but am not shocked. Read on....

My question is: Why did we stop making up that shit? Think of the possibilities....

Now the Rapture...

When I walked into the American Legion tonight, the bartender had "Spirit in the Sky" by Norman Greenbaum cranked up to full volumn....funny man, he.

But let's get serious...and offending now.  Christians as well as non-believers laugh at this whole Rapture on Saturday thing. I have yet to find a Christian who is....embarrassed by it. Yet....YET, they reticule not the Rapture, but the timing of the Rapture.  Stated another way, every Christian is taught that the Rapture will occur and the breaking of the seven seals and the seven descending angels is no laughing matter. They also know that there have been hundreds, if not thousands, of "The Day of Rapture" predicted and they have become jaded. That the Rapture is bullshit is NOT THE ISSUE. The same logic that they apply to debunking the exact day does not apply to debunking the idea of the Rapture itself.  And they see nothing illogical about that. Sad, really.

How could so many people believe the nonsense? Well...

I have a theory. Some people do not like freedom. In their view it's 50/50 that their choices could be wrong, so they would rather be told how to behave and what to think.

And there never ceases to be a supply morons to tell you how to live your life.

Did you notice that part of the KKK game plan was to offer religious services. No accident that, boys and girls.

 Then many years ago a few guys got together and decided that in order to get all the power they had to convince people that to go to heaven they had to confess every fucking thing they did "wrong" to the people in power. By wrong, of course, I mean acting like a human being....which includes thinking for yourself.
 Did you know that the bible actually tells you not to think too much about your faith. Imagine that.....DON'T THINK TOO MUCH ABOUT IT.

(did you notice the "be not wise in thine own eyes" part? That's telling you not to use logic.)

And did you know the bodies of all the dead believers will rise also.  Damn, I would love to see that.

But what's wrong with religion really?
It does no harm....

One of my very own....

And lastly, a lighter side of the topic...

TRUE: I saw a clip of two guys who filled a dozen or so of those blow up sex dolls with helium and let them float off above the city. Damn, I wish I had thought of that.

 I offered to make a wager on this crap....my $1000 against any believer's $100. It didn't take long before they realized that they were in a no win gamble. True or untrue they ain't never gonna get my money.

And lastly, lastly, items I would like to share while they are still topical...

The queen is in Ireland. Here her guest record. It's must be cool to have only one name.

But not everyone is happy with her visit.
I took a young Irish woman on the road with me to paint a mural one time. We had a long time to talk, and what we talked about most was her hatred of the British. Finally asked what the British had done to her personally. Without missing a beat she said, "When they come to check the out-buildings on our farm for weapons, they drive right over the fences." I asked why they didn't use the gate, and she said, "Well, a lot of the gates are booby-trapped." She saw nothing wrong with her logic. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Re "The Rapture": Seems fairy tales are not just for children.
Your heathen wife

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