About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

FUN WITH LANGUAGE......and stuff

Check out the date. During WWII golf must go on...

I just realized that toilet paper has not changed in my lifetime.

TRUE LOVE: There is a man who has an ass so wide that he takes an extra-wide chair into restaurants, bars, etc; including my American Legion.

Things that are difficult to say when you're drunk: indubitably, innovative, preliminary, proliferation, cinnamon.

I guess there could be bigger problems..
Maybe that last girl needs to read this...

Things that are very difficult to say when you're drunk: specificity, British Constitution, passive-aggressive, loquacious, transubstantiate.

Speaking of....

Things that are downright impossible to say when you're drunk: Thanks, but I dont' want to have sex; Nope, no more booze for me; Sorry, but you're not really my type; Good evening officer, isn't it lovely out tonight; Oh, I just couldn't. No one want to hear me sing; and Sorry, I'm being such a jackass.

I don't think it's such a Great Wall. It's an alright wall. It the Alright Wall of China.

This is Andrew Hyde. He is a computer whiz who travels all over the world. It was stated that these items are his sole possessions.

TRUE: In the USA Today: "22 states pay more than national average for gas."
(think about that a minute)

I am awful....AWFUL!!!

How many Mexicans does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

What's worse: Waking up with a lot of pubic hair stuck between your teeth OR waking up with a lump in your throat and a string hanging out of your mouth?

Wouldn't you love to know what this man's crime was?

From England: For an American to understand why the marriage of William and Kate is important in England, imagine Charlie Sheen marrying Lindsay Lohan.

Meanwhile in Japan....

"Did you just fall down?"
"No, I attacked the floor."
"I'm fucking talented."

Look carefully at this photo...

"Her lips had touched it."

I actually wasn't all that interested in this image, but it's on every fucking site I visit, so.....

I've done stuff like this, but I sure as shit didn't take a picture of it....

The god of infinite love is going to damn almost everyone to excruciating torture for eternity.......gee, thanks.

Do you think this is real?

One of my very own...


And lastly....BREAKING NEWS

But, of course, mistakes were made...

Would somebody please shoot this bastard in the eye?

And America reacts....

Yeah, my eyes teared up, too.....

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