About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Look guys, I was overjoyed by Osama's head shots and this is just my way of dealing with it. Have tolerance.

And now the anti-sermon....

This is a real illustration from a christian book....

All over America "clubs" are springing up so that atheists don't have to feel so alone.

The numbers are in and tallied...our numbers are growing. But I have another take on the whole thing. I think that MOST people "REALLY" don't believe all that mumbo-jumbo. They just check the box to stay off the radar.

Sci-Fi? Flying people. Raising from the dead. Rib woman....I mean, come on guys. You are better than that.


It wasn't easy for me to admit all that crap was just made up...and I mean that. Just try to look at it this way: There are so many things that humans do not understand right now. It's okay to say, "I don't know." To just declare our ignorance is proof of MAGIC is so.....old world...don't you think?

You may have noticed that I'm real, real big on freedom. And the first rule of "Freedom Club" is that you never just accept bullshit just because people you respect said it was true.

Well said, sir.

 Please don't fall for hating people who still believe there own bullshit....pity them.

And the above is the whole fucking point. Rules are not made to be broken....rules are made to break you.

This next one is fucking TRUE!

You can't pick and choose, people. You either buy in to it all or you reject it all.  Your call.

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