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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Gentle readers, this if THE coolest lunch box EVER....

I have a good friend who makes stuff out of discarded items. He made, among other things, a chair out of a shopping cart, a lighted shelf made from a wall mounted telephone "booth", coffee table made from a plane's window, and a beautiful lamp made from Jimmy Hoffa's left leg.
 Okay, I made up the leg lamp, but I like to throw in something like that to test my wife as to whether she actually read my blog or just looked at the pictures.

QUESTION: What does the next two items have in common...

TRUE: This is a "Sperm Collector" for use in sperm banks.
 I wonder if they serve Coke's with these?

Speaking of such...this is a real ad.

And while you are in the bank getting your Willy milked, the misses can get a total body frisk for free....

This is a Nose Stylus so, I guess, you can text while driving with one hand.

I have something almost like this in my studio.
 What I did was to attach a clip to my door. The clip has a string that runs down to and around the light switch. So at night if some piece of shit crack addict tries to open the door, the lights will come on. I ain't been robbed since.

This is an officially licensed Luke Skywalker jacket just like the one he wore when collecting the Medal of Yavin.
 (you are welcome, Aaron)

For all you ladies who are just too fucking lazy to kiss an envelop...

Silly, I know, but I raised girls and when you raise girls you got to notice shit like this....

Souvenir Royal Condoms...it don't get any better than that...
 And as I understand it, she gets around...

This is amazing. I wouldn't have believed it except I found it on the internet...

Wouldn't you love to have this built into you house some how? I would.


I don't know if this is funny or not. I just know I never thought about this happening.

I didn't think anyone was allowed up there anymore. But that's not what bothers me. You travel all the way to a little town named Pisa solely to see a leaning tower, so what do you do? You climb up on that tower and take pictures of roofs.
 Did you know it was a bell tower?

This reminds me of the tunnels in Goose Bay, Labrador. You see, it is so fucking cold up there that the Air Force dug miles of tunnels that connected all the buildings so you wouldn't have to go outside in -56 degrees to get a haircut, say. Well, for three months my job was to sweep those fucking tunnels. I was sent to the base erroneously and there wasn't a nuke within a thousand miles.
It was just make-work, of course, until they could find me a nuclear weapon to fix and it didn't take me long to figure out that no one was watching me, so I took A LOT of breaks. I also read a lot of books.

The Cappadocia Hotel was carved in the Yunak Evleri Mountains in the 19th century. However, there are six cave houses and thirty rooms that date for the 5th and 6th century.

Now two about dicks just because I can...

 (there is an intercourse joke in there someplace)

One of my very own....

 I've never really gotten in to the whole bondage thing. Oh, I've tried it a few times but they kept calling their daddies.

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