About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Shocking anti-anorexia ad campaign...

Google turned 12 this year. This means we only have one more year to use it before it turns into a teenager and won't answer anything.

Life is like a box of terrible analogies.

Two more about the man we loved to hate....

There is no "i" in team, but there is a "u" in cunt.

If I ate myself, would I be twice as big or disappear completely?

A group of people came up with the idea of a Rapture old-time jam to be held on Saturday, May 21. That's the day when true believers are supposed to float up to heaven or some such shit. Anyway, the none believers just want to gather at a park and watch it happen.

Damn! I mean, DAMN!

Nice image.

I saw this in Georgia...thought it weird....or more weird than most of their bullshit...
My crew and I were discussing peanut butter. I said:
I love peanut butter. I have never considered licking a man's dick in my whole life, but if it was covered in peanut butter, I would have a decision to make.

Contemplating marriage. Read this first.

TRUE:  Did you know that a bathroom plunger is ideal for CPR chest compressions. Not only on the down stroke, but on the up stroke there's a bit of suction that pulls the chest up.

"She told me she was 18, officer. Honest she did."

We avoid risks in life so we can make it safely to death.

40 foot dancer, but look what it's made of...

When I kill a roach in my kitchen, I don't clean it up. I leave it there so the other roaches know not to fuck with me.

Another from that guy who makes tiny ceramic figures and places them around the city.

Going to college is a waste of money. That $100,000 it would cost you could pay for almost a fifth the cost of one Tomahawk missile!

"It's designed to do what it does do and what it does do it does do well, don't you think? I think it does, do you? I do hope you do, do you?"
TRUE: This is from Ken Ham's creationism indoctrination presentation he gives to children.
(I think the key phrase in the sentence is "Don't you think". The whole fucking point is for them not to think.)

"I'm tired of you acting like you're the only one who's ever decapitated a hobo!"

"Dad, sometimes it feels like you don't love me."
"That's just crazy. I always don't love you."

It's hyperbole and a half!

How fucking true....

I think they should have brought bin Laden's body back to New York, had it pickled, placed it on top of the ground zero mosque with a pork chop in his mouth and a fireman's axe up his ass.....but maybe that's just me.

Barack Obama - the first black man who has ever had to convince the world that he did do the killing.

A couple of graphs for my daughter...

Booze + Samurai Sword = Friend - Penis

A couple in Israel, of all places, named their daughter Like. They explained that they wanted something positive.

70% accurate?................That's what she said.

If you don't know what these are, it's okay. It really is.

I know he wasn't my son, but whether a soldier is killed by friendly fire (which is bound to happen in war) or enemy fire is of no consequence.

Being upset is a side effect of giving a fuck.

"Sign my ass up, Sarge!"

Expressions that amuse...

When I played "Got Your Nose" with my daughters, I wouldn't give it back just to see them freak.

Fucking ladders?!?! You think that's permanent or secured with hooks from below?

"Wow - researchers taught a computer to beat the world's best humans at yet another task. Does our species have anything left to be proud of?"
"Well, it sounds like we're pretty awesome at teaching."
"What good is that?"

Ever wonder where the term "Don't fucking move!" came from?

Surround yourself with funny people....please.

It takes a village to braise a child.

Ever wondered what a Chinese keyboard looked like?

One of my very own...


And now without further ado, I give you...


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