About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, June 24, 2011


UPDATE: After making fun of my wife for her instructions on how to mail a Netflix CD back, she told me this morning that I had forgotten to make sure the bar code was showing in the little window in the envelope....so, it wasn't idiot proof after all.

This woman is Miss Duct Tape....TRUE....

Well, she joined that Facebook. And I said, With your face? Maybe they should call it Horsebook...and she got all mad.

He just lost most of his intimidation factor...

What do all these people have in common?
Lee Harvey Oswald, Butch Cassidy, George Carlin, Frank Zappa, Timothy Leary, Babe Ruth, Nicole Brown Simpson and Ernest Hemingway.
They were, at one time, Mormon.

Hemmingway not giving a fuck...
Speaking of....

Cincinnati - Flights were grounded Sunday at Reagan National Airport after a woman told an airport worker that god told her there was a bomb on a plane.

TRUE: This woman is a professional model. She was paid to have photographs of her face taken. The ad was made and she is suing because they didn't airbrush both side of her to make her look better.

TATTOOS: A permanent mark for a temporary stupid urge.

If you can't find the gag in this one, come back tomorrow...

The worst time to get a heart attack is during a game of charades.

Vegetarian: An ancient tribal slang for the village idiot who can't hunt or fish.

My wife asked if I would like to get into a little fantasy thing...I just didn't know it involved welding....and I didn't even know she could ride a horse....

I hate it when ugly people say "I need my beauty sleep", when most of them need to fucking hibernate.

I can almost guarantee you that a guy invented this...
City flooded? Challenge accepted...

No matter how cynical you become, it's never enough to keep up.

Yeah, guys solve problems...

Don't ask, don't tell......don't care.

Men start this shit early....real early....

My daughters were always testing their boundaries, trying to find that section of the fence that wasn't electrified.

"How long have you worked in the lumber mill, Uncle Bill?"
"Two years."

How many Alzheimer's patients does it take to screw in a light bulb? To get to the other side.

Well, there's your problem.....

Yes, that is porn, and, no, I don't know why....

I post a lot of stuff about people doing stupid shit while way up high...I don't know why....

TRUE:  This is an acne ad....
(I think they just run an anti-Meth PSA backwards.)

This is called poetic justice...

This lady has an interesting hobby....


Hey, guys, you're doin' it wrong...

I once talked to a true militant feminist who ended up saying she gets out of a lot of tickets by crying....bitch. 

Let's take an hour or so to find all the things wrong with this photograph....

This is cool as shit....

This bastard must have done something real, real bad...

You gotta love half naked protesters...

Stuff you missed on TV....

Don't blame me! I'm not the one on top of a bar humping another girl midget!!!!

Exuberance is so very, very exclusionary.... 

Polygamy....first one to the bedroom gets her own bathroom....

Speaking of weddings.....??????

Carrying her over the threshold...maybe.
Carrying her all the way to the hotel....no.


I don't do many fat jokes, but sometimes fat people do funny ass stuff...

TRUE:  Marine Sgt. Maj. Barrett on gays in the military:
"How dare we, then, exclude a group of people who want to do the same thing you do right now, something that is honorable and noble?"
(read that again)

TRUE: Fed Chairman Ben Barnake on the economy: "Fuck it. I don't have a clue."

Now the slant-eyed bastards are trying to out rock and roll us...

The other day my friend was claiming that I don't understand irony. Which was ironic because we were at a bus stop.

What's in the bag....his other toga?

Where there's a will, I want to be in it.

I have no idea what this means...any ideas?

A clear conscience is a sign of a fuzzy memory.

She confuses me, but the guys not noticing confuse me even more....

To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the target.


One of my very own....


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