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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, June 10, 2011


Let's get started on this diatribe with....

These "men" are called Hipsters. They think that growing handlebar mustaches make them a non-conformist. They haven't met me yet.

I have had people join me for dinner that did this shit. Most of them are women or I would have threatened to smack them.

Attention whores of all stripes piss me off.


People like Trump would find nothing wrong with this next story...

I'm lazy...in my own way. I expend as little energy as possible to remain functioning. People who are too lazy to function are just fucking losers.

These extraordinary children are my great nephews and nieces and they are all A students. They have good genes.
But they all also have two parent households...

How did it become "acceptable" to have babies out of wedlock (knowing the damage to the offspring) is beyond me.

Sadly, we Americans are getting dumber. Whether it's nature or nurture is not the point. The point is that we reward people too stupid to even get a job when they have more and more children. I don't want to sound heartless, but bad decisions ought to have a very high price associated with it...like living in a shack and eating out of trash cans. One generation of this and I can guarantee you that the birthrate of stupid people would subside.

At the same time, it pisses me off that a whole bunch of people I care about have jobs they hate. 

Really, really stupid shit by normally rational people leaves me begging. I have a theory about that, but it will have to wait for another post...

Why do people pick the wrong wars to wage? Obama has done too many things worth pissing you off, why lock on to shit that when proved false will just make you look like a fool? Yeah, that pisses me off.

This is rather serious. A hacker in, say, Peru crashes the Pentagon computers and we declare war?!? Think about that.

People who latch on to some "slogan" and act like they are revolutionaries piss me off...

Feel good liberalism pisses me off. Here's a true story. China banned all plastic bags. (dictatorships can do such things) 
However, their researchers came up with some interesting facts. The plastic bags actually have a smaller carbon footprint than reusable cloth bags or paper. The cloth bag must be reused 331 times to equal a plastic bag. If you reuse the plastic bag as a trash can liner, say, it's footprint lessens by half. Plus, trendy reusable cloth bags provide a wonderful breeding ground for E. coli and other naughty bacteria. And if you wash the cloth bag regularly, then you have to add all that bleach, soap and hot water to it's carbon footprint.
That's what I call Feel Good Liberalism.

In my view, America is a free country. As long as you don't harm someone else, then you are free to do whatever you want to do.

Even the Israeli Army allows gays even though their bible condemns the practice.

People who what us to go back to the "Good old days" piss me off. This cartoons makes my point expertly.

There are people out there that believe that the nano-second a sperm touches the egg a soul is created. Their evidence for this is.......nil. However, these single issue voters will elect only people who agree with that non-sense....and that pisses me off.

I hate this fucker.

It pisses me off that my generation, scion of the greatest generation, will be forever known as the greediest generation.

It pisses me off that the vast majority of Americans want us out of all our wars AND out of all foreign countries, yet our elected officials don't get it.
It's not just our dead....what about the "collateral damage"? 

My generation may be greedy, but at least we bucked the system when it came to wars we had no way of winning.

It pisses me off that shit like this happens...

As to the subject above; how could people tolerate a system so....irrational?

Here's why....
Every culture seems to love to brainwash their children.
In their minds they do it for "the children's own good", but children's mind are wonderful instruments for distilling their own good if given options. Trust me. I know that as a fact.

This is the power of fucking with children's minds....

It pisses me off when a man looks me in the eye and tells me that he "knows what the invisible man in the sky wants us to do".  Had that same man been born in Iran, he would "know" a whole nother "truth".
It's all just so silly.
I have given up on the adults, but what really pisses me off is what adults do to the young minds in their charge.

I talked to an amazing man the other day. His stance was that there was no evidence to disprove the existence of god, so he just might be real. I countered with you can't disprove fairies, the Loch Ness monster or vampires or flying elephants or a 50 foot woman, so they might be real. He said that he would not rule them out. 
I actually kind of liked his spunk.

It pisses me off that people want to eliminate all possibility of injury to children. A bump on the head and a little blood are very powerful learning moments.
This type of playground equipment can't be found anymore.  Sad that.

TRUE: I used to take my daughters to the zoo almost every week. One day we had a sight very similar to this and I heard a woman who was hustling her children away complain that they ought to put a curtain around the elephant pen so that her children wouldn't be exposed to it.
Now I want you to think about the young man who was "exposed" (no pun intended) to a woman breast-feeding her infant.  Where did this notion of "nasty" come from?

It pisses me off when parents put children in dire peril. That goes for that crocodile guy and Michael Jackson. The balance between thrill and risk is just too great.

I will state again....America's collective acceptance of single mothers is fucking up the whole system. And that pisses me off.

HARTFORD, Conn. - The Connecticut Senate narrowly approved legislation that decriminalized the possession of small amounts of marijuana.

It pisses me off that we still lock people up for weed. It's would be laughable if it wasn't so costly, in more ways than one...

But it's not just me....read on....

The above was a mistake, but think of the prison space we could free up if we let the marijuana users out of jail.

This is Lucian Freud painting the Queen in 2001.
Queens and shit piss me off....as do mimes....

I grew up at a time when this was a common sight. The first time I got on a city bus in Birmingham, Alabama as a child, I walked to the first empty seat. Unknown to me it was behind the "Colored" sign and I had to move.

Some of us change more easily than others. Why is that? Why is it that some people will hold on to irrational concepts long passed the time that the concepts are rendered absurd. 
TRUE: Work crews of German prisons would often be taken to local cafe's for lunch, but the black troops returning from the war were not allowed to eat in that same cafe.

This is German....

But, that doesn't mean we can't find some funny shit about a problem...

A woman friend of mine said that she was in a room full of people who all thought they had won a prize when it soon became clear that they had not. She told me that she said, "Well, this is just a big gyp!", at which point everyone in the room gasped and stared at her as if she had just uttered a vile racial slur.
You see, gyp comes from the word gypsy; people who by all indication conned money from every dupe from Hungary to California. And now it seems that we can't even make fun of the fucking gypsies!!!!

It pisses me off that I have never had the opportunity to participate in one of these...

Did you notice that all those people are white?

It pisses me off that most Americans will look at this and say something like this: "I went to the museum and all they had was a tree all cut up."
That, to a trained artist, is extraordinarily beautiful.

It pissed me off that Americans still litter the soil with preserved bodies instead of just burning it up or whatever.

I will tell you this as a fact. I don't want anyone to look at my dead ass. I find it.............inappropriate.

Here's another thing that pisses me off.
Imagine, men, that for whatever reason you find yourself in prison. Every minute of every day you would have to fear rape. You would have to continuously watch your ass, as it were.
Well, it pisses me off that our women have to live with this same fear every fucking minute of every fucking day just by going to the mall and shit.

One of my very own....


"I know it's cold, Darlin', but Rule #39 wasn't my idea. It's like an international rule or UN mandate or some such shit....and we are in the middle of nowhere....So get on with it...the spermicide on the condom is starting to freeze up...."


Anonymous said...

not many references, so I'm not sure how accurate this is...


Anonymous said...

This design is wicked! You certainly know how to keep a reader amused.
Between your wit and your videos, I was almost moved to start
my own blog (well, almost...HaHa!) Excellent job.
I really enjoyed what you had to say, and more than that,
how you presented it. Too cool!

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of most recent and earlier technologies, it's amazing article.

Anonymous said...

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this good post.

Ralph Henry said...

Thank you. Could I ask you in which country you live?

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