About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, June 13, 2011


I like little games like this.
Here are six jobs that famous people had before they were famous. Just read the list, then try and match them up to the actors.

[From top of list to bottom -  F, E, D, C, A, B ]

Do you remember an entry in a previous post about a couple caught making love on a 30 diving board at a pool? Well, the officer who caught them said his angle of entry was nearly perfect.

I like to laugh and I like even more making other people laugh. But maybe, just maybe, it's a national pastime. 

Today is National Orgasm Day!!!
I celebrated the day...3 times...and behold, I called it good.
In the name of Ashley Judd, amen.

I like anyone with the word "fucking" written on their T-shirt.

I'm sick and tired of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they are going and hook up with them later.

I like making fun of people...

DEMOCRACY: The freedom to elect your own dictators.

I like subtle cartoons that some people don't get....

I talked to a paratrooper the other day who told me that he did not want to jump his first time parachuting. His Jump Master told him that if he didn't jump he would shove his boot up his ass. I asked him if he jumped and he said, "Yeah...a little."

We invented time so shit doesn't all happen at once.

"When I want your opinion, I will remove the duct tape."

THE TOOTHFAIRY: Her influence on children is that it's okay to sell their body parts for money.

Mother-in-law is an anagram for Woman Hitler.


"I've had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it."

I like learning new things....every fucking day....

"She loves nature in spite of what it did to her."

I like that really smart people spend all day inventing things.....

I like to tell people I have the heart of a little boy. They always act like I'm being a little pretentious until I show them the jar on my desk.

This is cool as shit...

Everything is within walking distance if you have the time.

I like that I've lived longer than I thought I would have....

"What's for dinner, Dad?"
"Wookie steaks."
"Is it any good?"
"It's a little Chewy."

I like being able to look at an image of four E. coli bacteria...to sort of put a face on the enemy, as it were...
More interesting...the E. coli that has killed dozens in Europe lately is a complete new animal, with no DNA match from all other E. coli.....just another thing to worry about.

In Australia, circumcised me are called "helmets" and uncircumcised men "squids".
(I bet you didn't know that)

I like great photography. Here are a special kind of ant that changes to the color of what they eat. Amazing, that....

I can't decide between being seen wearing a bluetooth headset or just getting brain cancer.

I like that as a young man I rejected bullshit where ever I found it.
I really, really don't want to be a bore about this, but there are real problems with the herd mentality.

I like blonde jokes. My wife is a blonde and she will be the first to tell them on herself.
TRUE: The other night we were getting ready to eat and I asked if I could get my wife a glass of iced tea. She did, so I popped the glass in the frig door, filled the glass and started to pour the tea, when she ordered me to stop, lifted one....ONE ice cube out of the glass and tossed it in the sink. I just stared at her. She said the glass had too many ice cubes.

I like language...especially when it makes me smile...

I like simple solutions to problems.
Here is a phone with a solar recharger that sticks to a window....
However, the prize goes to the bikini solar phone recharger...

I like grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup....
...with Cheez-its.

I like that I know more about art than most people could dream of knowing.
This bumper sticker says: The only ism for me is abstract expressionism.
95% of the world has never heard of abstract expressionism....and well....I like it that way....in a selfish sort of way...

There is no magic pill for loving art. It starts very, very early....and, well, you never stop learning about it...

I, of course, lean toward public art. Banksy being my god....

I like that even though I hate to be up high, I have done it for 30 years....just because that's what I had to do.

I like....love my brushes. When I put a mural crew together, I judge the members by how they treat my brushes...

I like dogs....

I like funny (absurd) bumper stickers...

I like everything Matisse has ever made...

I like other people who just don't give a shit....

I like fucking my wife in a stall in the men's bathroom....

I like blow jobs, but my wife is so insistent that it gets a little awkward sometimes....the woman can hardly take no for an answer....

I like people who have overcome their handicaps.

I like crazy as a shit house rat....

I like this guy....but it might just be envy...

I like bringing humor into even the most serious circumstance...and this is TRUE....(except for the pic)...

I like beer drinkers. Never trusted a non-drinker.

One of my very own....

I like making these....the weirder the better....


I like finding and sharing beautiful (and/or funny) images of naked(ish) women and presenting them in ways that avoid the trap of cheapness....

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