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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


This is a breadbox. I realize that you may have never seen one, but when I was growing up, every kitchen had one. I don't know why, but I would assume it had to do with insects and the lack of plastic bags.
Anyway, there where hundreds of situations where one person would declare that this or that was bigger or smaller than a breadbox, since everyone knew what that meant.
I don't know why.

Sea turtles in a hatchery. I just wonder if gently placing them in the ocean will fuck up some survival mechanism that the natural struggle to the sea triggers. I guess we shall see....
You think that when they get pregnant that they will swim back to the beach and try to find this very room? That would be fucking interesting...a thousand 400 pound turtles making their way down Main Street reading addresses or turning right at the Taco Bell, etc....

I quit playing sports the day I found out I could buy trophies.

Good luck with that, Kermit....you greedy bastard...

"Do you even realize how ridiculous you look?"
"Mamum anama oomaee."
"Don't talk with your mouth full!"

I've often wondered why Superman spent so much time with purse snatchers and didn't instead deliver tons of grain to the millions of starving children.

A few more of the tiny concrete figures the artist places around cities...

In Rio De Janero there have been 60,000 unsolved murders in 10 years. 24,000 haven't been identified.

This artist carves plastic hard hats....I don't know why, but he's pretty fucking good at it....

A real question on a Jewish help line: Is it kosher to use a hooker on Shabbos? Who about if you just lie there and she does all the work?

God, I love stuff like this...

After spending the evening with three prostitutes, don't fall asleep or your whole Social Security payment might get stolen. EVERY FUCKING TIME.....for six months in a row!

This is brilliant!

I'm not a pedophile. Some of my best friends are kids.

I saw a show on TV about these rocks that move across Death Valley. It was explained that when they get a rare rain it is usually from a very powerful storm; a storm whose ground level winds have been clocked at 200 mph. Couple that with near zero resistance from the mud the rain creates and the rocks move. Also, all of the rocks move in the same direction...the direction from whence the storms come.

Nice mustache, lewd dewd...
How come you women never told us how comical we looked doing this?

SARCASM: Just one of the services I offer.

You really can't start training them too early....
and check out the little cash that comes with it....

Wouldn't you just love to read about an upcoming made for TV movie called "Dexter Morgan meets Casey Anthony"?

A bat skeleton still clinging to the rafter...something you don't see everyday....

That's what we all need....ANOTHER way to photograph everything we see every fucking minute of every fucking day from far, far away...just because we fucking can....

You might want to look at this very carefully...
Funny or just plain silly? I vote for funny since I didn't think of it and I've never seen it before.

TRUE: Of the 100,000 German soldiers who surrendered at Stalingrad, only 5,000 survived to return to Germany.

Problem solved, honey....Honey? Where are you going?!?

A keyboard showing the most used keys...

Oh, my....

How to know with absolute certainty that you are pussy-whipped.....with a capital P.....
But wait...do you think that could be part of a suit of armor? Like the Willy protector?
I have no idea....it just looked like a woman's idea.
Does it come in an extra-large about the size of a mason jar?

This is a good idea...

For those people who just happen to share the house with idiots who can't seem to grasp the whole concept...

This is the groove in an 33 record..........groovy.....


That last cartoon is rather interesting in that, why do we assume that we are the only beings with a sense of humor? I've seen cave paintings and weird neolithic sculptures and wondered, maybe they were just making a joke......could be.

One of my very own...
(did you read that with a Korean accent?)


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