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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, July 1, 2011


I've been watching Women's World cup daily. This is the flag they brought out for the team from England. I had to look it up, but apparently this IS the flag of England and the blue Union Jack is the flag of the UK.

 I read one time that, counterintuitively, a man who has been struck by lightning two times is not less likely to be struck again, but MORE likely. Go figure.

Now a few protest that interest me....

There are movements afoot all over the world to stop circumcision. Now, I would like to state that I really don't give a shit it you cut off all of your dick, but mutilating an infant without its consent is a whole nother thing.

This young lady has a message on her bare chest. It reads: THESE ARE NOT INDECENT.
 I agree. She is protesting, of course, the rather odd practice of allowing men to go topless at the beach, but not women.
 Why does society seem to do everything in its power to make women ashamed of their bodies?
 In some countries you are punished for not wearing a burka. In this country she can be punished for not wearing a bathing suit top. I just don't get it.
 I asked all of you...what exactly would happen if women were allowed to walk around like this? Would it "corrupt" our youth? I think I know the answer.
Like so many laws all over the world, we adhere to certain mores for the simple reason that "That's the way we've always done it." 
I'm sorry, but I choose not to.
 And think of the fashions that could be developed...

Now let's make fun of it.
These two "women" were at the same protest. There is more wrong with this photograph than I care to list.
So have fun with it.

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