About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


My favorite outcome to this sick "sport"....

When things look bad, just remember that you've got a real big dick and things will seem better......or not.

Modern schools don't allow dodgeball anymore.
Now kids don't find out they are too fat to move out of the way until another drunk guy in a bar decides to kick his ass. How fair is that?!?

I used to think that the whole world was against me...but I've found that a few countries are neutral.

People die trying to get a free baseball. Yeah...go figure.

Fail, fail, fail........and........fail....

I once had a test question that stated:
State the number of tons of coal shipped out of America in any given year.
I wrote: 1492 - None.


These rich pricks piss me off, too.

No, he has no chute, and no I don't know what happened to him....

It makes me sad that I know people who like their jobs only marginally more than they like being homeless.

Yachters......fuck you.

There are so many pictures of people on rides that I don't even post them....too mainstream. However, what the fuck is this lady doing? A wig??
 And I'm assuming that no one wants to be hit with a seagull while going 60 mph....but, shit, you paid for the trills...

If Tetris has taught me anything, it is that errors pile up and accomplishments disappear.


One of my wives worked for a company who thought it would be a good idea to take all the employees and their significant others on a raft trip down a roaring river for some perverse "bonding". 
I refused. I was told that I had to go. 
A week later the same rentable raft hit a rock, and it was reported that a woman hit her head and she died.
The trip was cancelled....slam fucking dunk!!!

This guy should have 911 on fast dial...

I read something you young people may find interesting.
To predict your social security payout, take any number and multiply by 0.

"Whoa, damnit, I said whooooa!!!"

TRUE: I have a bad back that "went out" this morning. It hurt so bad I forgot to take my morning shit.
Yeah....that bad.

This is actually true. Some nutcase is running around town cutting women on the ass...

Back when people started writing down children's stories, they hit on a plan and that was to name all the boys, Jack.
There are many Jack Tales, as they are called, and it's kind of cool trying to see who can name the most.
HINT: Jack and Jil.

Some people call it class envy...that feeling that the super rich ought to pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than...oh, ME!
I call it justice.

This dolt super-glued a toy hat to his head....TRUE....and lost part of his scalp....

Motorcycles.....how about NO!
That had to hurt! And what is that red glob on the pavement....his frontal lobe?!?!


One of my very own....
 (look it up)


Madonna and child....ummmmmmm.....

Dream catcher, indeed....

I'm getting very mixed signals here...

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