About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


So here's my view off the balcony. Those little "fences" are to slow the windblown sand so that it will drop and form dunes. They work very well. The last time we came it was after a hurricane and there were no dunes...now look...the ones near the water are all but covered.
 Those long wooden things are cattle walks. Ranchers herd the cows down the beach, then funnel them into the cattle walks where they are prodded along straight into the slaughter house next door. The smell isn't too bad unless the wind is out of the east.

I know this is going to make me sound like some kind of nut, but bear with me.
This the the view from my balcony if I'm sitting down. And at my eye level the top railing lines up with the horizon thusly. 
 Did anyone see the problem?
I don't know if it's because I'm an artist or whether it's because I've built so many things, but that railing IS NOT LEVEL! And it drives me up the wall.

I've mentioned Holy Moly's this week. This is one.
I made up the name many, many years ago, because as we all now, everything needs a name.
 About one in a hundred or so shells on the beach have such a perfectly round hole. We all think it was made by an urchin looking for lunch. I string them together to make a large curtain of a thing for my porch back home. That one is the sole find of the today.
If you have never met me, do me a favor...the next time you are at the beach, just walk along and see if you can find a Holy Moly. Then think of me, manipulating your vacation time with mere written text alone. Now that's power.

These are bunk beds in our room for kids. So I tagged it.
 When the children lay down on the bottom bunk and look up, this is what they will see. Many (most) will probably touch it. Many will ask their parents what it is and be told that they don't know, but brass ain't cheap so keep your hands off of it. But they won't.
 Also, I bet if that same kid ever came back to that same room again, he would go to see if it was still there.

I tagged a post outside also.
I think I'm going to drill another hole in the rest of my tags. I think it will look more formal.

Dear Gentle Foreign Reader,
The whole description about the cattle walks was pure bullshit (no pun intended). I just wanted to fuck with your head a little bit.
We Americans call that being an asshole.
Your Humble Blogger

1 comment:

Spider Borland said...

Your collecting of "Holy Moly's" (Molies) reminds me of my childhood and going to Gulf Shores, Alabama.

When I was a kid, we would walk down the beach and collect shells, but the real treasures were Sand Dollars. They were most interesting, we thought. On one week long trip, we could easily collect jars and jars of Sand Dollars.

I've noticed that in the past 10 years or so, they're not as plentiful. In fact, there isn't much point in collecting seashells anymore when we go, as they're just not there anymore.

Even when I was younger I worried about the ecosystem. What had happened that they were no longer caked over the beaches?

Were the beaches being "cleaned" by local Tourism Agencies? Had all of these seashell wearing creatures actually died off? Had the location become so popular, that literally all the shells were already collected?

It's something I miss from my childhood. The beach isn't as special to me without them.

Sorry this ran so long. You reminded me, and I thought I needed to share this story.

Love your blog. Thank you! Keep it up!

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