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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Let's propose a topic for debate, to wit:

The first argument from a believer, I think, would be that as a non-believer I just can't understand.
If I ask for an explanation I will be told that it is not for us to question God.

I may consider that believer naive and/or stupid, but I do not consider him evil. He offers me no such grace.

But this is an excellent pondering point.
 Who am I to take away your hope, no matter how irrational and dangerous (or potentially dangerous) I think it is.

Well, besides harassing and/or directly murdering non-believers, they harm each other.

You don't have to guess what would happen if this nation turned into a theocracy....it will act just like all other theocracies.... 

So, is it up to each individual to figure it all out...one at a time...groping around in hopes of stumbling across the "TRUTH"?

I believe that it is a matter of cowardice just to grab hold of the most convenient meaning...the one you were born into; and never question it's trueness.

Observable...of course.
There my friends, in my humble opinion, lies the meaning of life.....TO FIGURE OUT HOW THE FUCK IT WORKS!!!

The scientific method may not be perfect, but at least we use words like theory, thesis, and unknown...yet.

Can you image a world with out myths controlling lives.
 Most of the wars in the world would stop instantly. People would still be greedy, but at least the greed could be explained and, perhaps, dealt with. Believing your imaginary friend hates their imaginary friend is beyond reconciliation.

My best guess is that as soon as mankind became self-aware and learned of it's mortality, it scared the holy (no pun intended) shit out of him. There was a profound need to avoid the anxiety, and for their own well-being an alternative was invented.....everlasting life.
But what I would bet money on is that an entire, unfathomably vast universe was not created by some guy just to see if he could threaten us into adoring him.
But if his literature is any indication, he's not very good at getting his way. He created the angels and one of them, The Devil, told him to go fuck himself and stole a lot of his other angels and became, somehow, his fucking equal! Then, he tried his hand with non-magic beings, isolated them on a perfect planet except for the lightning, tornados, flood, draughts, volcanos, disease, etc, and...well, you know the rest.

So what do I do about it?
Make fun of their imaginary friend, of course.

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