About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Just a reminder of what a tsunami can do....

This is what it used to look like....
 This is what it looks like one year later....

There are dozens of these sites. They contain personal items found in the ruble....

The hottest item on the internet is about this guy...

He makes children into soldiers....

He is a very, very bad man....

We knew about this for decades, but now the internet has gotten a hold of it....

And the internet has spoken loud and clear....

Now there is rumors that the effort is spearheaded for greed...

So, what does the internet do about it?
Well, it makes fun of it, of course....

This is the reason the Israelis have rejected all scanners at their airports....
 The above is a normal scan. Metal objects show up black.
The problem arises in the fact that the background is black also.
In the image below, the person simply put his fully functioning 9mm pistol on their side (inside the blue rectangle).....

It was recently International Women's Day....

And they came up with a couple of rather humorous graphics.....
 (you might want to look at that again)

Who woulda thought.....

That's one big ass mass ejection....
 As I understand it, we dodged the bullet in that it was not pointed directly at us.

Speaking of blowing things up....

Speaking of blowing really big things up....

The rattling of swords is scaring the holy shit out of me....

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