About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Okay, I'm pissed....AGAIN!!!!!
This is about the fourth time that something went wrong and I erased an entire post at the last moment. Let me expound....
I collect the images I want for a day and then later add commentary and blue quips. This process takes days. 
These images and words are not re-collectable (is that a word?)
Soooooo, I have to try to reconstruct the whole fucking post on the fly....which is almost impossible. It's now beyond my bedtime on Tuesday night and I'll just give it my best.
When I tried to explain this problem to my bartender, she said that she thought I got up real early and just threw the post together every day....yeah, right.
Anyway, this is one of those posts that just vanished and had to be reconstructed.....so cut me some slack.

I ran into a site of award winning photos titled "Reflections", and these will be spread throughout the post because moving them in order is no longer an option.

Is it just me or does the mouse feel heavier after you copy a large piece of text?

I wrote a novel set in this city. John Steinbeck visited there and said that the stairs were so steep they were like ladders.

Found out this is not Photoshop....

Do. Not. Try. This. At. Home.

Stated that this was a hotel room...I think it's got art installation written all over it....no pun intended....

Now there is not need to be bored in a restaurant again...

This looks like a watch for a retired guy like me...

I've been tying my shoes the "correct" way....

An automatic board eraser...

I like to do this in every gas station bathroom I visit...just because....

Like a fucking boss....


Ran into a site with a lot of these....just add the caption.
Got any ideas for this one?




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