About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, May 4, 2012


1992?!?! Is that true???

This is rather silly, but so is sailing a yacht in pirate waters. It's like walking around Harlem with a hundred dollar bill in your hand asking people if they have change.

Those poor fucking bastards...

By the way, this works every f-in' time...just ask my wife...

This so reminds me of Americans...

Hard as shit crossword clue: Continental divide.
_ i _ _ e
[ AISLE...think airline ]

I find it interesting the number of students who took a break from studying for finals to go protest their upcoming state of unemployment.

The man was not allowed to fly the American flag by the homeowners association....well played, sir...well played...

Back when I actually gave wrapped gifts, I used much too much packing tape on the gifts of people I didn't like all that well.

And not a single fuck was given that day...

Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. - Buddha
[ I have no idea if Buddha actually said that, but I like it. ]

I think I'm adorable.

TRUE: A woman told me a story about a young bride who moved into her neighborhood and invited all the local ladies over for cake and coffee. But the cake was awful. Not wanted to be offensive they asked of the ingredients, but there was nothing out of the ordinary. Then my friend said, "But there's another taste in there that I can't identify."
"Oh, that's probably the moth balls," said the younger woman.
"Moth balls!!! Why would you put moth balls in a cake?"
"Oh, I didn't put them in the cake. I put them in the flour to keep the bugs out, just like I was told."
The woman had been told to put moth balls in her flowers to keep the bugs out.


I like the exclamation mark is both a wave and a particle...

My main man, Mr. Matisse....

Linda Blair in her makeup next to her dummy....

This is a rather long video that showed the bear spotting the seal, then swimming a hundred yards under water and coming up behind the floe. I think it is hilarious...

Saw a show about alien life. They concluded that if the planet had a similar gravity as Earth, then most likely they would have a skeleton (internal or external) and jointed, levered limbs, since it works so well here.

I watch a proposal about how to keep future humans from digging up radioactive shit we bury. The problem with the solution below is that in 4,000 years there is no guarantee anyone will read English.
The best solution is a small forest of huge stainless steel thorns...some forty feet with smaller and smaller "thorns" branching off.
On a similar note, I heard a scientist explain that in the future the universe will have expanded so far (so that the light of galaxies can't reach earth) that people could look out and see mostly darkness.
Now here's the cool part. Will those people take the ancient word of our scientists that the galaxies are really out there or will they just trust their measurements.

I love my wife.....and naps.

The bike frame is brilliant!!

What is the right age to start teaching my dog about sex?

I wrote a short story titled "The Double-Yolked Egg Man".
Many people think it was my very best.
I found this image delightful.

"Back off, Junior, Mommy's got this."

God I wish I could do this with the feral cats around my house....

I'm not above using an obscure Mexican battle to justify my over-drinking.

You may call this "Porn". In Europe this is a cereal commercial....

Take a few seconds and try to guess what this man is making....take your best shot.
(note: If you said sausage, then you don't know me very well)

To test toilets, they have to have something the consistence of shit......

You think these words have been arranged in a sentence like this before......probably....

Wouldn't it just save a bunch of time and expense just to use canned footage of old tornados when there's a new one?

During our travels through the west, I told my wife I wanted to visit the Museum of Jurassic Technology.

Here is Kruschev admiring Mrs. Kennedy's.....assets....

Here is President Kennedy returning the favor....

If imitation is the highest form of flattery, then why does my wife get pissed at the zirconia I give her?


Made with date stamp....

I'm so fucking tired of this battle......so useless....

I couldn't swear this works, but I'm going to try it as so as one of my cartridges runs out....

This is cool as fucking shit! 
The black dog's name is Shadow....for damn good reason.

Very clever, this....

I made this toybox for a friend to give her neice. The top was slanted to look like a jewelry box ajar when the lid was closed....
To sleep
Perchance to dream
Ay, there's the rub

1 comment:

Jambe said...

That image is of ladies from CERN (where the web was invented) and it was the first image on the web according to many. However, the "internet" and the "web" are not the same thing; photos may have been transferred on the pre-web net, but I dunno. The net has been around since the sixties whereas the web was invented in the early nineties.

I just... can't help but mention that the vast majority of stuff you see in the night sky (99%+) is the Milky Way's stars. They are all gravitationally bound and will not get any further away from the galactic center with time (they'll just keep getting closer, in fact). Now, distant unbound galaxies will eventually be so far away that we won't be able to see them anymore... but 1) the sky will still look mostly the same to the unaided eye and 2) that assumes we (or something like us) will still be around umpteen-hojllion years in the future, which strikes me as an unlikely proposition. Hell, if we're around then, there's no saying we won't be fully cybernetic with integral telescopic eye augmentations, so maybe the sky WOULD look different...

Why don't you just shoot the feral cats? I had to do that to a few on a farm where they were hugely overpopulated and habitually getting at poultry. Hated doing that. Ugh. Tormenting the fuckers by flinging them around sure as hell won't keep them off the property (they're tenacious as hell) so it just seems... sick and sadistic to me. But whatever floats yer boat I guess.

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