About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, May 31, 2012


This is a work of satire. Please address all complaints and legal threats to:
Former Vice President Dick Cheney
The American Enterprise Institute
1150 Seventeenth Stree, NW
Washington, DC 20036

How much is too much?

Vortex fountain....

Oh, look, some guy you never met has decided it's time again for you to throw out all your shoes and buy new designs....

I don't see shit....

"Hello, Pizza Hut Delivery?"

Look at this man's face. Do you think it's possible for him to return home unchanged?

Too bad Anne Frank never saw Home Alone. Could have been a serious game changer in my opinion.

Every time I see a picture of a famous person like this, I think about those calves being wrapped around John's head, and maybe they are on vacation and he hasn't shaved in a few days and the stubble chafes her legs and she has to explain that to her children.....but maybe that's just me....

This took me much longer than it should have to get....

I reminded my wife about the good old days when we used to have un-airconditioned sex.

Another little known baseball fact....

If I owned this I would never get anything done.....

I think the stats are wrong. When you asked people if they do something that is illegal, I think 80% of them would have a tendency to say No.....

Take life as it comes
in your face and runs down your chin.

"Oh, I just like to endanger my life because it makes me feel so alive.".........fuck you.

There's nothing funnier than a young woman caught at the exact moment that she is permanently disfigured....

You remember this?

Well, it didn't take the interweb long...


One of my very own....

These people are all naked.....

Jesus fucking christ!!!!

Not sure if this is the type of place I would like to share with 50 tourists.....

Toys in Africa......true.....
 And then there's this....

See anything.........odd?

I knew a man who had a different brush for each color...sort of like this.

And I bet his mother is proud....

This is not it, but I once played a computer game whereby if you lost a Bigfoot would run out of the woods and butt fuck you.....

"Oh, look, the Abercromby's are deep frying turkey again."
 And not a single fuck was given by the men.

Ah, France....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The fault is where the rope attaches to the board.

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