About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, June 1, 2012


Another remarkable image....

When Grandma drops in on you while you're at work....

If all parents were honest, they would all describe their children as relatively bright.

Every game show needs a trap door....

Yes, he found this shoe very, very attractive....use your imagination...

Libertarian: A republican who owns a bong.

Two artists who were lawyers....mixed emotions about that...

The first babysitter that I can remember having was this big fat woman, and every time we got hurt she would tell us to rub some bacon on it.

It's about fucking time!

This looks so much like a drawing, but it's not....

You know that you are old when you can finally admit that something is awry with your genitals. 

No, this is not your normal beach....
 It's what's left of the Aral Sea....


I am fairly certain that YOLO is Carpe Diem for stupid people.

Fishing, Southern-style.....

Why I loved college....

Many people die at twenty-five and aren't buried until they are seventy-five. - Benjamin Franklin.
(smart man, he)

Worth the read....

For every action there is an equal and opposite...

Let's learn something arty, shall we.......

What to do about Syria? I honestly don't know.
 But one thing I know for sure, these guys don't need another war...

Just fuckin' with Jambe.....

Cigarettes are a lot like hamsters....perfectly harmless....until you put one in your mouth......and set it on fire.

A question for you parents:
Are your children using low quality drugs?

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, what the fuck happened?"

You walk around and blow up your chair....Thanks, asians...

I find it unfortunate that all the recipes I find call for some cooking.

TRUE: They announced last night that fully 70% of Americans think Obama was born in Hawaii.
That means that 30 fucking % refuse to accept a legal birth certificate issued by a state government....and they vote.

Why is it called quicksand if it takes so long to kill you?

Survival window tinting....

1 comment:

Jambe said...

I see your funny cat-pitch and raise you a kitten in a bubble.

Also, that bullet-destruction gif comes from a ten-minute vid full of such impacts. Cool stuff...

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