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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Olympic Stuff

Well, somebody had the sugar licked off his lollipop...

 That reminds me...The one and only, ever woman on the Saudi team "competed" in Judo. I saw it. She had absolutely not idea what she was doing. Sad that.

I think it's about time we either did this with epees or sabers...not both. The difference is so slight that it's difficult to know....

Girls will be girls...

This is where Michael lives....

There were calls that NBC was being racist with this bit.

At almost 500 lbs, a Judo guy from Guam weighs more than the combined weight of the Japanese Women Gymnasts.

The difference between 1950's and now...

I would have never believed that I would waste an afternoon watching horses dance.

What the fuck's up with the guy on the right?

This swimmer got disqualified for having an illegal propulsion device.....


Jambe said...

There are three different weapons used in Olympic fencing (foil, epee, sabre) each of which are scored on different areas of the body and have different rules regarding footwork and offense.

Have you seen any handball matches? I thought they were neat to watch.

Ralph Henry said...

Handball is okay, but how many "get the ball in the net" games is too many?

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