About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, November 5, 2012

MONDAY 11/5/12

This is an old Phillip's 66 station one block from my house. It is run by the most honest man I have ever known. He has helped me out of more jams than I care to remember. 

His name is RJ Moore. He's the one who joined the Marines in WWII and they didn't like that his name was just to letters, so on all his papers they wrote R(only) J(only) and he was known from then out as Ronly Jonly.

I have a beer with this old fart every day. He knows more about Gamecock football than anyone in the state.
He was a Gamecock fan when players got free gas. Some got free cars. He seldom shook a player's hand without palming them some cash.
One story to tell you what kind of a guy he is and I will let you move on with your day.
He and his accountant were in his office one night when a young man with a gun came in and demanded the money. RJ pulled a .45 and shot the man at the same moment the young man shot RJ. He was 79 years old at the time. He made a full recovery. The young man did not. When asked how that could be possible, he said, "It's all about the caliber of the bullet."



Fake...(the lights are still on)....

A genuinely nice store owner...

The right equipment for the right job....

What do you do about something like this...the fucking ocean is now in your yard!

Now's the time to reassess firefighters' pay....
 Can you imagine living that close to another house?

They did, in fact, find a skeleton in the roots of an upturned tree, but this isn't it...

I read one time that an object in space must reach a diameter of 600 miles to have the mass to round itself.

Picking a lock...
 I don't really understand it, but it's kind of neat.


Some people just like their goose...

A little illusion...

My buddy owns a shoe store. For Halloween he dressed as his dog and dressed his dog as himself...


Yeah, that's who you think it is...

Back before camera phones when a guy had to sketch his penis to show his girl...

Never actually thought I'd ever see something like this...

How about another drink, partner...


Psst....fuck you.

This is me in public waving goodbye to my wife's gay men friends...

And not a single fuck was given all day...

I like his attitude...

Think about this a minute...


Three great ideas for recharging your devices in an emergency.
Use your car power port...
 Crank it up...
 Solar powered recharger...

Taking football very, very seriously...
 ...but he's talking to a 19 year old kid.

So, you think I'm being harsh? Read on...
 She was but one of 943 this year.
Respect all religions, my ass.

A "pocket" to make sandwiches in your toaster...

A deer in fucking headlights...

 We know they work. I say, give them a fancy name and hand them out like candy...if there is no real medicine, of course...

Wait for it...

 Warriors have always like to fuck around.
 I bet the Greeks and Romans wrote shit on their shields and such.

 I know it's childish, but I'm a sucker for this kind of shit...

At first I thought it was fake, but notice all the people leaning to get a look...

So, ah, how many eye colors are there...

Back when people actually helped win wars with something besides their tax dollars...


the boy said...

spending my high school years in walhalla, it did not take long to find out deliverance was filmed right down the road. but even more, the guy with banjo, he never went as far as burt did, that poor fella is making hashbrowns and flipping waffles at a huddle house in taccoa georgia. and yes that is true.

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that the "banjo kid" didn't actually play the banjo...there was a professional bluegrass player behind him with his arms coming up on each side and the scene was shot in such a way as to hide the other guy.
The kid was picked for the movie solely on his appearance.

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