About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Sometimes my blog contains a rather confusing collection of images to most folks....I assume.
Juxtaposed next to some silly bullshit, I may present a power image like this.
Let me tell you a story.
This afternoon I found myself sitting on a barstool talking to a friend about the Tonkin Gulf fabrication and how it was faked to get us into Vietnam full time. 
This quickly evolved into the flimsy Weapons of Mass Destruction "evidence" for invading Iraq.
Then we went to Roosevelt's pre-knowledge of Pearl Harbor. During this discussion, I said, "And without an Eastern front, Hitler could very well have taken Russia, then with all the resources he needed, we might all be speaking German now."
My friend very quickly said, "Well, not all of us."
Then it hit me. Bernie is a jew. There would be no German classes for Bernie. 
Now go back and look at that image.
Powerful, that.

Fucking brilliant!

 I know he's a megalomaniac, but he can't be stupid enough to pull our chain until we flush shit all over him and his. Did he not see what we did to Iraq?
 If he deploys his nukes, all bets are off...

Recognize the guy in the middle?
My old buddy, Tyson.

A Cat Person! I just knew it!!

Tasteful tattoo, railroad tracks and beautiful feet...a win, win, win....

Evening entertainment at the Vatican...
Speaking of criminal fuck wads...

The chimney if fake. I didn't know that. Fake.
I assume to go along with their 1400 bullshit tradition.
Came across these alternatives...
I should have made some bets. I predicted a South American early on, what with 52% of Catholics being from South America.
But, as I understand it, he's a hard liner...just what they didn't need.
Ever wonder how they really choose the Pope?

If I knew of a coven of gay nudist witches for abortion, I would join.

"I know where we keep everything in the house. I've lived here for twenty years, remember," said no husband ever.

What you thinking about?

The number one sexually transmitted disease is ignorance.

Have you ever sat in a room and wondered what it would look like on fire?
Strip Reading...the National Sport of Henryville...

During the Depression, the WPA built miles and miles of these...
 Speaking of...

The doctor said I needed to start drinking more.

Also, I'm calling myself "the doctor" now.


I will almost bet money you can't name the painter that created these self-portraits...
 [ George Bush. ]

Speaking of showers...twice...
This is printed on the curtain...

This cat thinks the illusion is actually moving...

A fierce looking...

This St. Patrick's Day you can save a bunch of money by just passing out as fast as humanly possible.

This lady exhibits her artwork underwater. I don't know why.

 LegaliSe? Maybe it was made in England. Do Canadians use the s in such ways?

One of my very own...

Two that you might have to think about...

That bully in school is still taking my lunch money...

You know she's too young for you when you have to make airplane noises to get your cock in her mouth.

(that was for my friend, Mel, who I know just laughed, although he was embarrassed by it later)

Got this in my comments recently:
<There's this pervasive notion in modern culture that visual and performing arts are in some way more aesthetically pleasing or meaningful than e.g. designing industrial tooling or surveying the countryside to lay in a road or whatever. In reality, all human endeavor is reducible to creative instincts (even our very worst endeavors) and there's interest and meaning—both aesthetic and intellectual—to be found pretty much everywhere.>

As an artist I tend to agree with the potential creative nature of pretty much every endeavor. But what I do is totally, absolute meaningless in a real world sort of way; something you can't say for the tool or survey.
Most people don't see the difference. I do.
Most people would take one look at one of my dollar bill sculptures and ask "Why". For an artist, "Why" is a totally ridiculous question.

These people don't get paid enough money...
I mean that.


Rule #39...halfway there...

You ever look at people and marvel that they survived this long...

Highly, highly motivated, she...

So is he making fun of all Arabs?
Does dressing like a cowboy make fun of all Americans?

What the fuck does he find so fascinating that he ignores her.....feat?!?!

This man could soon drown...
You think he's drunk or just had his ticket punched by that first guy?

I had a dog like this when I was a lad.
My buddy had a big ass collie. Both dogs would position them selves between us and any remotely possible threat.
One growl and even the bigger boys would leave us alone.

What a great dad!

My wife is a little upset over the deep throat porn on my blog. I told her that I had never seen anything like it before and assumed that no one else had either, so I posted it. She said, "HOW DOES SHE BREATHE?!? I watched it for twenty minutes and the woman never took a breath!!!"
It took me a minute to explain GIF looping.
See watched it for 20 minutes and is mad at me for posting it. Think about that.


The Boy said...

bottom left corner is the moving GIF

Jambe said...

The WWII chat speaks to my constant point about morality being a fluid gray area. Consider two Hitler-questions:

1) Did he have any more or less of a "right" to life than everybody else that died as a result of WWII? It's interesting to wonder how history would've played out if Hitler had been killed in WWI or later in, say, 1940.

2) suppose we captured Hitler at the end of WWII and suppose his paranoia and race-hatred could've been "cured" (say for purpose of argument that a removable tumor was pressing on his brain or suchlike). Would it have been ethical to remove the tumor and then put him into a witness-protection-type program?


Dunno if that sign actually exists but I hope it does, and it's quintessential Brit humor. It's a reference to Richard III being recently discovered under a car park in Leicester (I think you posted something about that).


Yes, Canadians tend to use British spelling:



I disagree that e.g. painting or sculpture are "totally meaningless in a real world sort of way". I'd agree that they don't have immediately-obvious tangible uses; a painting is not a hammer or a road, for example. But paintings do have very real usefulness; they obviously effect human minds, and through the behavior of minds, the physical world as well. A song or painting or sculpture can make us appreciate something about human nature or life that we hadn't thought of before, or they can just make it a little nicer to be alive for a bit.

Despite my cynicism I think most people appreciate that e.g. sculpture, music and film have usefulness and meaningfulness, even if they don't recognize or appreciate it (or even dislike it). Surely you've been in a position where somebody's told you, "I don't get it, but I like it." Right? I think that's most peoples' default position on "art".

I even think many people who actually like x will claim to dislike it to fit in with a crowd. I also think people who like x but can't articulate their thoughts on the subject will often say they dislike it (or not comment at all) simply because they don't want to admit of ignorance and/or limited vocabulary (which we demonize as inherently shameful). In reality, some of the most shut-in and words-challenged people I've ever met have also been some of the most fascinating... such is life, I guess.

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