About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


And not even Switzerland will abide the slightest breaking of the rules.

How silly of them...a party...on the street. They should have seen the concussions coming...

I will repeat, if you threw paint balloons and feces at American cops, I believe the live bullets are coming your way...

Monday’s post I asked if playing computer games was  manly thing to do. Here was a comment:

“I suppose gathering in a dome-shaped building to watch a homoerotic escapade of leather-flinging and sweat-exchanging gropery is a much more mature and manly endeavor?”
Funny, that.
But then I did a little research and found that on-line gamers talk a lot about their games...

They even make fun of themselves...

And it seems they all know how to cheat...
 Can you imagine a golfer cheating? I think not.
And can you imagine me listening to you discuss replacing your wrench with a double-bladed laser sword?

About football...
I can bet money on sports…that’s enough for me.

Also sports gets the young pro-wannabes to get plenty of  exercise and learn good dietary habits….something that is strictly forbidden to computer gamers.

My biggest complaint with computer games is the same as with the cell phone camera. People seem to forget that there is a real world going on around them. No one just closes their eyes and....absorbs the music of a band anymore. They are too busy taking 500 pictures of it...99% of which they will never look at and all 500 identical to every other attendee.
Then I think of the books to read, the conversations to have, the women to woo and then I think of this...
I know there are educational games. I know they are fascinatingly artistic. I know all that. I also know that most of them are pure boredom forestallers.
And telling me that some computer games are educational is like me saying quarterbacks calculating the proper force and arc of a football teaches physics. 
Or that this teaches for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction...

Think of the women to woo again the next time you pick up that controller. Too ugly to woo women? In most cities there are areas where you can rent one for about the price of that controller, and they don't keep score.

A lot of people cry when they chop onions. The trick is not to form an emotional bond.

 Got this image with no explanation of why the prop is out of the water...any mariners out there in the ether?

Only went to Starbuck’s once. I gave my name as “Bueller” and sneaked out the door, leaving her to call him over and over.

I went to my bank's drive thru to break a hundred. The teller asked, "Do you have an account with us, sir."
I said, "Yes…(she began to count)….but I could have just lied."
Her, "Ha ha......You do have an account with us though?" Me, "Yes…(her resume counting)…but I could have just lied."

If you think that this is not the case, then you haven't been paying attention...

Crossword puzzle clue: Pan handler.
_ _ _ _
( CHEF )

 There is a reason that one of the first things mankind did was pick someone to be the leader. Somebody has to be the decider.

Most of you would agree that this "fashion" is....excessive...
 But I look at this in the EXACT same light...
And they all do it for the same reason...demands of their peer group.
When did we start celebrating conformity instead of creativity?

Living art installations...my jury is still out on this kind of thing...

The science gag of the day...

My prediction is that this lad will go the way of Mark Hamill....

Been watching Women’s Beach Volleyball and there’s already been a wrist injury…but I should be okay by morning.


His mother must be proud...

Home is the place you go and they have to let you in.

Considering that Iron Man and Batman’s only real superpower is being super rich and smart, Bill Gates turned out to be a real disappointment.

You're welcome.

This may also come in handy...
If any of you people know how to do this, let me know if it actually works.

The good thing about water is that it can be found in the workplace. The good thing about vodka is that it looks like water.

I’m still a better hitter than A-Rod.

(I don't know what that means, I just thought it was a cool thing to say)

One of my very own...
All of us married men have seen that look, haven't we?

Getting really excited about my backroads trip in two weeks...
 I know they are faster and some say safer, but these things are just too fucking sterile for me. I mean they are designed NOT to have any surprises...
 Also, I cruise along at about 55mph and there is a BIG difference between an accident at 55 and that of 75....the old mass/velocity thing.

Dear Canada,
I went to your website and read all about visiting your country. I learned all about leaving my guns at home (bummer) and that I need a birth certificate or passport to get over the border. Well, our passports were lapsed so we found our birth certificates. Now, a mere two weeks before our planned departure, you changed the rules and a passport is mandatory. So I will for sure stay in America now.

Re-use makes so much sense that it must to be a good thing. This guy took an old refrigerator, turned it on its side, and added some wood trim to make a giant cooler for parties...

Considering the millions and millions of shipping containers just sitting around rusting, you'd think more of these houses would be made...

If I’m ever on life support, unplug me then plug me back in…see if that works.

Thanks for the medical advice, total stranger, but I think I’m just gonna go home and take a massive bong hit of my own medicine.

Pranks are a lot funnier if they have health insurance.

I really like maps...
At first I thought the numbers were the inches per penis.

 Oh, look, another map enthusiast...

Sadly, most people are dead way before they die.

Told a group of high school students to wear old clothes when I was directing them in the painting of a mural. One girl stepped in blue paint, walked over to me and said, "My grandmother just bought me these boots and they costs $85. What can I do?"
I said, "Paint the other one blue."

Let's talk political correctness, shall we...

Jack and Jill went up the hill so he could lick her candy,

But Jack got a shock and a mouth full of cock,
Cause Jill's real name was Randy.

Last Sunday I met a kid about 5 years old, so I asked him if he got his dad a present for Father's Day. He said that his father was dead. Thinking quickly I said, "Well, you're halfway to becoming Batman!"

His mother didn't think it near as funny as I did.

I saw a 'Game of Thrones' coloring book in Barnes & Noble. It only came with red crayons.

I would pay money to see the look on her face when the photographer gave these instructions...

When I first started writing books I finally realized why people write books in coffee shops. It's not that we are pretentious or trying to impress anyone, it's just that you can't quit and start masturbating in a coffee shop.

Prior to that, do you think those words were ever placed in that order to form a sentence before?

You and I spend billions of dollars trying to keep Mexicans OUT of America. Many of our officials are killed each year along our border enforcing our laws. American's businesses have been seized by the government for hiring illegals.
Now we want to reward the lucky ones who managed to elude our law enforcement officers by giving them citizenship? 
What kind of message do you think that sends? 
I understand the argument about separating kids and parents, etc, but in my opinion it just doesn't make sense. 
It would be like never being caught speeding, then telling your insurance company that you sped all the time and they gave you a discount for eluding detection.
It would be like trying to discourage having babies out of wedlock by giving unmarried mothers money for each child.....oh, wait. We do that.

And why Mexicans? We have PhD's from all over the world who are turned away because we have a quota. Do we need roofers more than chemists?

I'm open for intelligent comments.


Anonymous said...

"And not even Switzerland will abide the slightest breaking of the rules."

Thing is Switzerland is probably the only country in the world that comes closest to being a true democracy. A few days from now people will vote on local issues and sort this crap out.

I wish the rest of the world was like Switzerland. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voting_in_Switzerland

Fsck I wish we had this!

Ralph Henry said...

Buddy, I got nothing but respect for Switzerland, that's why recent events shocked me.
I wish them nothing but the best.

Jambe said...

Most human activity is "boredom forestalling". If it's not unconscious instinct, it's done to placate our active, imaginative minds. Serendipitously, XKCD published this comic yesterday about the unceasing moral panic surrounding the change in use & consumption of media. Damned kids!

wrt the propeller: it's probably because the ship is un- or lightly loaded. Container vessels can take on massive cargos (100,000+ tons) and so have large variability in draft.

yes Median works; the steps listed encompass all of "how to do it". Median removes outlier pixels from a collection of images (hence the name). If you have several photos from a fixed position with traffic moving through the scene, Median will give you the scene minus all the traffic (provided you took enough images to get a few clear captures of each background area without traffic in front of it). One can do that manually by cutting and pasting from the collection of images, but such tedious subtractive visual treatments are trivially easy to automate.

That repurposed cooler is beautiful.


"It would be like trying to discourage having babies out of wedlock by giving unmarried mothers money for each child..... oh, wait. We do that."

I hope that's one of your non-truths. Welfare support of single parents isn't a scheme to prevent single parents, it's a scheme to help them overcome the odds stacked against them. Yes, it creates perverse incentives to game the system, but all charity – regardless of how well-conceived and well-intentioned – creates perverse incentives. Therefore we should clearly abandon altruism!

Aren't many US labor employers profiteers? Don't they happily exploit disadvantaged aliens because they have trouble exploiting relatively-privileged Americans and because unabashed capitalism cares only for the bottom line? We can conceive of illegal aliens as riffraff to be deported, but then we're no better than the "use 'em then lose 'em" profiteers.

If we have borders and trade across them, illegal migration will always be a problem (there will always be inequality across borders). Conceptually, "how can we stop illegal immigration?" is the wrong question. It'll occur even if we spend every last dollar on border policing (just as people would get their drugs even if the whole economy were shifted to combating them). The better question is: "how can we make these aliens' homes more worthwhile to inhabit?"

... the answer is unpalatable to many Americans, because it means raising up foreigners' standards of living. That entails lowering our own standard of living, because our lifestyle depends on comparatively-cheap overseas and/or migrant labor and energy (who makes our computers and picks much of our food?). Furthermore, if their standard of living was more like ours, we wouldn't be such a preeminent economic powerhouse and we'd cease to be uber-powerful world leaders.

No, we can't have that! USA #1! USA #1! God Bless America!

Better keep using brown folk as disposable wage slaves; keeps them in line and keeps us ahead!

<3 your blog, sir.

Ralph Henry said...

But that doesn't answer the question about spending billions of dollars in keeping the out and arresting some Americans for hiring them (and taking their businesses) if everybody knows we will just forgive the lucky ones who didn't get caught.
It's like putting a huge fence around your yard with a huge sign that said DOGS NOT ALLOWED, then hiring guards to stop the ones trying to dig under or jump over the fence, then have people to search your property and throw all the dogs back over the fence, then every once in a while you just declare that the dogs still in your yard are pets with all the privileges that entails.

Anonymous said...

Prop is out of water because the ship is not fully loaded

Ralph Henry said...

Okay, I KNOW the ship is lighter and therefore floats higher, but there is a problem. How is it that a ship can come into port fully loaded, then unload....then what? Do ALL these ships then load up with other shit and go back where they came from? I don't think so. The logistics just don't work. Not EVERY ship cqn be fully loaded coming and going.....can they?

Jambe said...

wrt the ship: could you define the problem? I don't see one. Huge container vessels are often managed by tugs at port, but I don't know the protocol of the ship in question. My supposition is that it's perfectly capable of navigation as photographed, if not by its own power than via tug. I do not know its prop position during normal travel, but if it must be below the waterline to function (which is an assumption I don't make) it may indeed require more onboard tonnage than it has as pictured (and such tonnage could easily be empty containers if nothing else was available).

Google Image tells me it's the Emma Maersk (among the largest container ships in existence), which recently took on water near the Suez Canal and was held up at dock for a long while. It was towed for the entire length of the trip from Suez to Palermo for repairs to a thruster, and afaik it's still in Palermo. So it could be that it just has an abnormally-light load in the picture because it's damaged (but again, I don't really know).

wrt immigrants: I was trying to tell you that your question is not answerable. It's not even a question, really, but rather a series of observations. If you want an answer at the scale you're considering, it's this: we must bankrupt ourselves in a futile endeavor because we will refuse to alter our nearsighted, greedy, exclusivist culture. Another possible answer: nuke them all.

The problem here is that people are innately unequal. They have different genes, different physical expressions of those genes, different cultures, different levels of wealth and opportunity, and so on. And they always will, unless we merge every human mind into a single body. The only way to satisfactorily answer the question lurking beneath your observation is to don the Christian "everybody is created equal" facade, and damn the illogic of it.

Back here in reality, though, where it's understood that subjective minds are localized and intrinsically different and simultaneously woven into a tapestry of causality, the best thing we can do is recognize the absurdity you're pointing out and try to fix it by altruistically gifting advantages to those who are less well-off (be they single individuals or big groups or entire nations). We could kill all these poor foreigners, or we could keep wasting money trying to fence them out, but neither of those seem ethical to me.

Does that mean our government offers rounds of citizenship to illegals already here? Sometimes. Does it mean our government gifts money to developing economies in the form of cheap bonds, grants, food & tech aid, etc? Sometimes. Does it mean individuals with lots of money and land gift some of it to altruistic enterprises? Sometimes. I could go on and on here, but you get my gist. Charity/altruism is innately unfair, but it's also extremely worthwhile.

As I said, society-scale altruism annoys myopic people (self-obsessed egotists, Randian nutters, naive libertarians, anti-government reactionaries, wealth-hoarders, etc) because it requires somebody higher up on the ladder of social status and/or power telling them what to do with their money.

"But it's my money!" they say, petulantly childlike. "It's my land! MINE! "

Adults have their laughable narcissistic tantrums, too, unfortunately.

Que sera, sera.

Spider Borland said...

So your final solution to playing video games is to get a prostitute?

Ralph Henry said...


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