About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013



I was pretty tired, so talked the wife into staying over for another night. 
My wife pointed out that our room number was 420....HA!

Time to do some shopping and get the oil changed in the truck. Not much to tag, so I settled for the overhang of the porch outside our motel room with my last spoon. Only one knife left. Time to go acquiring.

Later....found a cache of utensils at a thrift shop, 5 for a dollar, but had to drills holes...
I learned that some metals are much, much harder than others.

Found out the skinny on those motorcycles last night. It seems a group of men all rent the exact same bike in Chicago and drive down and tour Route 66.
I, personally, can't imagine renting anyone a motorcycle.

Dearest New Followers to Folio Olio,
There is one question that you should never ask an artist.
Once I had a man in my house and I pointed out "12 1/2' of Good Hemp Rope", which consist of two beautiful pieces of hemp rope, one 6' and the other 6 1/2 feet, both knotted around a noble brass hook. It has a brass plaque spelling out the title. The man looked at me and asked "Why?"
WHY? WHY?!! Why the fuck did Leonardo paint Mona Lisa? Why the fuck did Gutzon Borglum carve Mount Rushmore? Why the fuck did Mozart compose "La finta gieariniera"? Why the fuck am I documenting my journey across America with the installation of eating utensils?
Why is not a fair question. It's like me asking why you love your children.
Thank you for your understanding.

I've really got nothing against girls taking sexy pics of themselves in the bathroom mirror....the first thousand times. But what does it say about you that you do things that someone else invented and it has been done to death by now?

Observing what has happened to TV programming, I think this highly likely...

I'm convinced that if we could all read minds, we would all be in tears.

Regular people making other regular people smile...

There should be a 911 for lonely people. You call them and they send some other lonely person over with a pizza and board game and ya'll just hang out for a while.

What bears do when we humans aren't looking...

I wish, just once, that my laundry would do me.

If someone found a list of everything you've ever Googled, how fucked would you be?

FUCK BOWLS!! The whitest of white people problems...

I'm not convinced that faith can move mountains, but I've seen what it can do to skyscrapers.

Chess Master Anastasia Gavrilova. That is all....

This grocer, I want to party at his house...

This magnificent recovery can only be accomplished with practice...
That is one cool son of a bitch.

50K years is entirely too long. 500 sounds about right to me.

"I was just following orders."
Fuck you.

Welcome to old age...

My wife bought me shea butter wet wipes to get the remaining fecal matter off my asshole every morning…I can just feel gay eyes following me.

Another thing about old age...I haven't looked in a mirror at myself naked in a decade. The last time I did it I was depressed for a week...

I’ll never forget that girl that introduced me to marijuana. I can’t remember her name or what she looked like, but I’ll never forget her.

Regarding rubbing utensils on my balls....my wife said that any person removing one of my tags could just take it home and wash it, but I reminded her that it's a scientific fact that mere soap and water will not, can not remove ball sack residue.

Bullshit! True self-esteem can come only from accomplishments. This reminds me of the art teachers telling every child that their artwork is great. It doesn't take long for the kids to catch on to that bullshit.

I'm not sure how this is done and why it takes shaking your head to see...

A guy has been running a central air-conditioning system "24/7" during the New York heat wave. But the bills were offset by 26 home solar panels by Sharp that took three days to install and were subject to state and federal tax-credits, and will take 7-8 years to pay for themselves.

....This guy's electric bill was about $6. I've been thinking a lot about solar and wind. I think about things like most people not living in their home long enough to pay it off...but that is offset by the higher sale price of the home. I wonder about the maintenance costs. I wonder, with solar, how you fix a leak in your roof.

Give it a minute....


Jambe said...

But what does it say about you that you do things that someone else invented and it has been done to death by now?

It says you had access to a camera and mirror and wanted a sexy pic of yourself?

If there's nothing redeeming in the commonplace and mundane — if only the innovative and artful have value – then life is just a rat race between hipsters ever-chasing the Next Big Thing. It's a constant critique, a consumptive competition against in- and external judges. Maybe people take those pictures for the same reason you utensilize road signs: because why not? Forgive thy fellow man their samey saucy selfies (eh, nix me now).

This journey-journal has been jam-packed with joie de vivre; thanks for sharing.

Ralph Henry said...

I can't help myself. My mother never had to ask me the old...."If all your friends jumped off a bridge" lead-in. I never wanted to follow the pack...within limits. It's called innovation and I think it's a good thing.

Jambe said...

Innovation can be good or bad. It's often not worth judging artfulness, especially of things done when sussing out sexuality. "Look, significant other, I have a body; I'm sharing it with you visually!" Cretins.

... maybe they're just youths learning? No! Fuck youths and poors! Screw all unsophisticated and uncultured humans! Let's ship the dregs of society to the workhouses to build our taps and hinges! Rand be praised!

We all learn by copying; surely confidence in one's capacity to try, fail, learn and improve is more admirable than pervasive insecurity about one's relation to the Other. It's more individualistic, if nothing else...

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