About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, July 11, 2013



 This morning we left for my Mecca.
 This is the view from the interstate...
 And what other street would it be located on?
And then I was there...
The special share of Green Bay stock that my wife bought me went toward expansion construction. I'm assuming my share went for about 30 seconds rental on that crane...
 I just stood there staring....in awe...
 There were all kinds of fun stuff to do, but because of the construction.....no.

We have a new quest. US Highway 2 leads all the way from the Great Lakes to the Pacific Ocean....we are going to drive the entire thing.
But first we had to get from Green Bay to Highway 2 and found a two lane blacktop that ran right on the edge of the lake....all the way. Beautiful drive.
 So beautiful I decided to tag the sign post...
And in case you want to find it, here's how...

Found a great motel....except for the slow Wi-Fi.
Two rooms, three beds, two TV's, two bathrooms and a clever sign out front....

Sat in drive-thru waiting on sausage biscuits with this sign. I pointed out to my wife that the top piece of bacon looks like her weird tongue...

Life is ephemeral. Don't waste it looking up big words.

Statistical speaking, if you pick up a seashell and don't hold it to your ear, you can probably hear the ocean.

Exhausted! I just completely 8 sets of diddly squats.

I am here to posit that Youtube has saved more lives than anything since penicillin, just showing people what can happen when you try something stupid.

Does this look like something a grown man would be caught doing?....just asking....

If you ever feel stupid, just remember that there are still people who think that the world is 2013 years old.

I think that was the back blast.

When you go to heaven, shit like this is served in the cafeteria...

My daughter told me that they tore it down to re-use the bricks.


Nuff said....

Trust me, the longer you look at this, the funnier it gets...

Not sure what kind of statement this is trying to make...

Ran across this. It's me....


ponder said...

Dude, you have the coolest blog in the world. If you're ever in South Africa I will pay for all of your beers. I'll probably live to regret this offer :D

Jambe said...

"We have a new quest. US Highway 2 leads all the way from the Great Lakes to the Pacific Ocean....we are going to drive the entire thing.

But first we had to get from Green Bay to Highway 2 and found a two lane blacktop that ran right on the edge of the lake....all the way. Beautiful drive."

That sounds fabulous! How far east into the UP did you go? I've been through there! I really like the country up into MI, especially along the Keeweenaw Peninsula where it's more rugged, but the Bayfield Peninsula in WI is really great, too (and it's rugged outside of the lowlands). fwiw there's highways all around the Great Lakes; driving them all is called the Great Lakes Circle Tour.

On a related note, the Great Loop is navigating the Eastern USA completely by water, generally starting at the Chicago River and going down through the Illinois to the Miss' and then through the sea around the south, up to either New York Harbor and thus the many southern canals in the Northwest or on up to the St Lawrence and thence through the Seaway to Lake Ontario. That'd be fun, if one doesn't mind boats (I don't like the idea of being on a boat on the ocean, because there are giant fish with sharp teeth in there).

My relatives and I frequently got the urge to go on random driving tours through the country stopping for whatever caught our attention, and we took to calling those "adventure trips". I carry on that tradition today, sometimes by myself, sometimes with friends. I'll often just say to somebody, "HEY! ADVENTURE TRIP!?!" and then off we go. Something to do with our instinctive desire to explore, I guess (and a certain degree of randomness and giving-no-fucks, too). I've seen an awful lot of stuff with just 1-3 days at a time to potter around aimlessly (although sometimes even my vacations are just adventure trips with not much planning).

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