About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, August 24, 2013


This is Tucker, the newest member of my family.
Tucker, this is the internet.
I wanted to name him Knee Grow, but my wife wouldn't let me...nor would she let me name it Fire. She picked out Tucker.

Every once in a while I have time for a Saturday post...but that does not mean I have time to include Blue Quips or many comments. This is just the best I can do.

You've probably seen this. What I found interesting is that the beach is on a live fire artillery range. Think about that a minute.

This is Bradley Manning. That is all.

Hell, I do this watching bananas turn brown...

I have mixed feelings about this. Why do you need devices when camping in the woods?

Black and whites of children...

Fuck you, you limey bastard. 

I bet she was a real looker in her day.

Let's talk multi-tasking, shall we...

Check out his face mask...

And I'm sure his mother is proud...

 "How To Build A Raft."

If NASA doesn't know...then goddamnit they ought to lie about it. You are looking like idiots...

Sign oops...
 Define "Traditional".

Took me a minute to figure out what happened, then...DAMN!

Dear Anon, Here's Braxton Bragg...

Can't cook? Have I got an idea for you...
 Come to the table dressed like this and he will never notice your cooking.

Absurdity...it's a good thing...

A few things in juxtapostion to think about...

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