About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Don't blame me....I did my part!
(seriously, no print magazine can compete with triple penetration in living, moving color.....and sound)

 Well, it's about fucking time...

Why, America, why?

"Wooooowheeeee! Them japs don't fuck around when it comes to their guacamole."

Posted this a couple of years ago....
Guy leaves a comment asking me if I know the photographer. He was really interesting in the choice of footwear.

I feel sorry for the other half of humankind who can't aim at pubes and shit when they pee.

Do you think your children will be this passionate about anything?
Just wondering.

Every time I'm introduced to someone with a weird name I say, "I bet you never found anything in the souvenir shop with your name on it." Some smile....most not so much.

A now dead friend made a beautiful boat one time. He invented a way to form the wood that I want to share with you...
He took a long 6" PVC pipe and capped both ends with screw off lids. In one end he drilled a rather large hole where he attached flexible metal pipe straight from a tea kettle spout. The other end he drilled several much smaller holes. Then he would unscrew an end, slide in a piece of wood, seal it, then turn on the tea kettle. The steam would enter one end, travel through and exit the small holes in the other end. After a short amount of time the wood was very, very pliable...bending around the frame of the boat with no problem. And when it dried it would keep that shape forever.
I like boats...
That WAS NOT the boat my friend made.

You should see this one coming...

This is a visual explanation of how space itself could expand faster than the speed of light...something I pondered for decades...
What I mean is this...we are, say, 14B years away from the Big Bang, but we can look back and see what it looked like only millions of years after it occurred, meaning we traveled too fast...but it was space that was expanding, not us zipping through space......too simple? 

Remember the stills I showed you from the huge cake I designed and built? Well, hearing my own voice on the film makes me want to apologize to every single person I've ever talked to.

Most laugh tracks on TV today were recorded in the 50's, so you're listening to dead people.

This is what lightning does...

If we really wanted our kids to be smarter, we would require porn stars to moan historical facts during sex.

He must have been sick for the class on biting off more than you can chew...

Have you ever drank so much that you tried to blow your nose in a sandwich?

Let's do dogs and other animals again...

Almost like he's committing suicide, isn't it...

You gotta love this guy...
This is the same guy that said something like: Man hates nature...otherwise he never would have invented architecture.

I take not taking things seriously extremely seriously.

This is an opal that changes colors when it gets wet...

Well, it looks like somebody had a lapse of judgement...

Farting in an elevator is wrong on so many levels.
(they can't all be gems)

God I love this cartoon...
A bird? A plane?
Noooooo! It's balcony fornication!!!

The flag left on the moon for...oh...EVER....

A real headline...

I have installed thousands of these...
They are lead seals that you thread a wire through, then you crimp it with that device and you can tell at a glance if anyone has opened the door to the nuclear weapons. Cool, huh?

I always try to take at least one banana to a party.

I've had a woman hold ice cubes in her mouth for as long as she could stand it then give me a blow job.
It was great...........once.
After looking at this image, just thought I would share that.

Back when selling Girl Scout cookies was taken very, very seriously...

I believe that good people bring out the good in other people.

Hunger Games for the more mature, sicker audience.

I have no idea if this is true or not...

The creative adult is the child who survived.

Those who say "there is no such thing as a stupid question", have never worked in Customer Service.

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