About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


This is Pac-Man and he has quite a story in case you want to look it up...

I am afraid of fat people in the government.

Sorry, ain't got time for this shit...I'm outta here...
"Aren't you even gonna pay?"
"Fuck you. Call my lawyer. I've been traumatized."

Atheists don’t even believe in I before E.

 I do the same thing when a bartender removes my beer when it has a couple of swallows left.

There’s nothing borderline about my personality disorder.

Phone to aim mortar...

The amount of work you do is not important. 
The amount of work people think you do is.

 My nephew took his kids camping and found this...
 ...in Ala-fucking-bama!!!
He's also is getting pretty fucking good with his camera...
 His son catching dinner...
 So...what kind of kid are you raising?

Had this been on my campus, I would have had to change schools...

My favorite outdoor activity is going back inside.


Hey, guys, guess what part of my body
I nicknamed Pink Floyd.

I want to believe that this is man's answer to global starvation, but my jury is still out...

Oh look, it’s snowing outside. I better update my status for all of my friends who don’t have a window of their own.

Bear  don’t always kill things, but when I do it’s because they aren’t playing dead.

Speaking of....Is a soldier who survived mustard gas and pepper spray a seasoned veteran?

Motherfucker nailed it!

There’s no heavier burden than great potential.

If you can’t explain it to your grandmother, 
you don’t understand.

 Dear Ludwig, I beg to differ.

 And as they promised, the standards are the same as men.

Most of us buy bananas just to watch them die a slow death in our homes.

Guys, if she doesn’t kiss you by the 4th date, she’s just here for the free food.

Do unto others.

They deserve it.

 This is not for nabbing illegal growers. It is used to answer neighbors' complaints of too strong odors from legal growers.

Not sure this is true...

A man’s shirt on the naked female body is like a flag on a conquered fortress.

 Fuck suits.

Another voice you just can't forget...

It’s only murder if they find the body; otherwise it’s just a missing person.


 It sickens me when some 19 year old guy gets busted for having sex with his 17 year old girl friend. That's not justice. That is just pure dumb bad luck. I, for one, am guilty, and I bet you are also.

Never give up on your stupid, stupid dreams.


Alexander Khokhlov face paints women, and he's very good at it...

We have enough gun control. What we need is idiot control.


Yes, there will be clean-up sex later...
 I find great delight in a relationship like that. It explains why the house is full of children.

Interesting take on the whole thing...

Who picks up seeing eye dog’s poop?

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