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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Gospel According to Uncle Ralph: Chapter 13, Verse 12-13

I find it interesting that those who proclaim most loudly that they are men or women of peace and that they wish most to promote the loving (that’s the Orwellian definition of loving, of course) word of whichever one of the many sky fairies they pretend give them instructions are demonstrably the very same people who encourage the most hatred in the world.

A country whose god looks like this just told people they can't be gay...
 It's been done to death, but right up there with that rule against queers are these gems of forbidden things...

And remember, Uncle Ralph put that hocus-pocus whole rules bullshit in the same pot with believing in horoscopes. Just because a lot of people believe it and it's written in a book and it's been around a long time, don't make it true.

 Oh, you mean like the theory of gravity?

I know it's hard to face, people. I did it and have never regretted it.

This is so much more powerful than some supernatural magic invisible man making my wife out of my rib.

I can't explain everything. I don't know how the universe started. I can't know why the quarks stuck together. But I don't know how my automatic unlock button on my truck works, but that doesn't mean that the people who think an invisible man in the sky makes it works is correct just because they can loudly proclaim they "know" how it works.

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