About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, December 12, 2013


I found a pic of the beer can Festivus Pole beside the nativity scene...

Who the fuck cares...
 I wondered why she always looked like she had a stick up her ass...

Protestors in NJ holding hands inside tubes....

When in high school, my daughter spent a year in Japan, and, yes, they really do clean their own school...

We all wish we could do this, don't we...

Ask yourself this question: "Do you think local police in America should be able to read your emails and texts without a warrant?" 
If you answered "I don't know", then you are part of the problem.

These bad boys commonly balance twigs on their heads to attract birds...
Not only that, they do it mostly during the season when the birds are building nests.

India's Supreme Court on Wednesday reinstated a ban on gay sex in the world's largest democracy, following a four-year period of decriminalization that had helped bring homosexuality into the open in the socially conservative country.

Fire damage...

America's most powerful renewable resource is denial.

 "Banned from every farm in Britain."
I have never understood the whole "throw people in jail if they do something that offends people" thing. I say, Fuck You. If you're offended, then don't watch.

Fuckers always put this on the bottom shelf...

Cutting a water droplet using a superhydrophobic knife on superhydrophobic surfaces...

Have you ever had a woman ask you to come see how bloody her pad is?

Do you remember when people who claimed the government was watching them were thought of as crazy?

Canceling velocity...

 I have no idea how this was done.

Just how stupid is the average person?

I just watched a history of marijuana in America. Some of it was hilarious, but the number of people jailed is deadly serious...
By now you probably know that I kind of like freedom and I want to free to even do something that might hurt me...like smoking whatever you want...
I also abhor stupidity...
The war on drugs is over and the drugs won.
We've tried prohibition before but refuse to learn its lesson...
As a matter of fact, every "war" our government wages on something only results on there being more of it....think war on poverty. I think the government should start a war on loose women, then there would be a bevy of them on each street corner in America.
I have a revolutionary idea. Why not just let Americans make up their own minds how they want to live their lives?

"I decided I'm going to start living my life to the fullest....hey, can you pass me the remote?"

I must quickly clear something up....yes, there will be wifi at my funeral.

Having a dirty mind makes ordinary conversations much more interesting.

My wife's most often repeated sentence: "Who the hell took my...oh...here it is."

We agreed on the thirty second rule. She promised to look for missing objects for thirty seconds before calling me to assist. It has worked with mixed results.

 Shit just got real...

Well, well, well...


My nephew would so do this…
I would so not do that.

Oddly, I rather like that moment when I get so lost or ignorant of something that I just laugh. You know you're fucked and there isn't a thing in the world you can do about it....not even fake it.

I've painted many a mural in cold weather. I always wore fingerless gloves so I could feel the resistance on the paint brush...


I bet he practiced the shit out of this...

At what point does a woman cross the line and become "fake"?
Maybe there ought to be a number...like an even dozen, of things they do to themselves and then, yeah, they are fake...
Glue-on nails, up-lift bra, dyed hair, curled hair, fake eye lashes, shaved legs, spray-on scents, etc, etc. How much before it just becomes ridiculous?

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