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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Gospel According to Uncle Ralph: Chapter 14, Verse 1-12

I have never understood the wholesale acceptance of an enslaved people to their master's religion.
 The Jews didn't do it....just sayin'. And who would want to accept a religion that said your enslavement was god's will?

I would like to ask all you believers out there, what would you say to an adherent of another religion to show them the error of their ways?
I could imagine you saying something like this...
 That would be the smart thing to do.
Then I would assume you would start asking questions.
Like...you believe that people levitate, but have you actually seen anyone do it?

You might look at their ancient documents and point out the illogic and the inconsistencies...

You might say something like, "Do you really believe that a woman had snakes for hair?"

You might point out the number of things your shaman's forcast were wrong...

You might wonder aloud why all the cool stuff doesn't happen anymore and only happened in front of people with no notion of the world or the solar system or infinity...

You might wonder what form of propulsion all the flying beings used...

You would probably ask him to really think about the stupid shit he had been taught...

All I would ask you is to just use your brain...
 Don't get bogged down in all the thee's and thou's and oft repeated meaningless statements....like this one...
 Sure it's nice to think that way, and easy since they are unproveable.
But if the internet has taught us anything, it is that people love to just make shit up...
 And people have been making stuff up for a long, long time.

Read this and ask yourself if it's true...
Here's another one...if you spill salt you must throw a pinch over your shoulder or you will have bad luck.

But for the love of humanity, don't scare your children with threats of burning alive...please...

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