About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Yeah, I sleep a lot...wife is extraordinary caregiver...
Her primary chore is to dulcify the demon. Make of that what you will.

Annals of Internal Medicine study says: Beta-carotene, vitamin E and possibly high doses of vitamin A are harmful to humans. Further, multi-vitamins, mineral suppliments, folic acid and B vitamins are so worthless that they don't even deserve to be studied anymore.

I more medical news, we all know that the normal human body temperature is 98.6, because a huge study was done in the 1800's that proved it. Unfortunately, they were wrong. It is now known that it's 98.2.

I hate poor losers...
Especially in a sport that is scored by humans and on the basis of what they think. Unlike, say, the 100 yard dash, which is rather cut and dried about who won and by how much, this performance art can't be timed or measured...just judged...by people with their own agenda...so just shut the fuck up.

By the way, did you notice that there is not one ugly snowboarding girl in the Olympics? It's almost like all the plain women were filtered out. I wonder why that is.

WARNING: My area is expecting a huge ice storm with power outages, so if you don't hear from me, know I have no internet.

This is called "The Paradox Axe"...
I think it should have been called "The Paradaxe".

(that was my kind of humor)

These kids are going to break all sales records...

Never trust your dog to watch your food.

Sometimes I drop things and I'm too lazy to pick them up...like pencils....or my hopes and dreams.

Because of scale, most churches create a sense of awe and wonder...
Yeah, I get that, but I use something bigger...
But you don't need fancy equipment to be blown away with scale...

Greek wear rainbow gloves in yet another fuck you Putin gesture...
The male color guy for the figure skating coverage had on makeup and at least eight pounds of necklaces.
You go boy....girl?....boy?

This makes way too much sense for the NFL to ever adapt it....


Want to guess what these four objects have in common?
The first three are things you can mess with; the fourth you may not.

I find that fucking hilarious.

One of the most powerful images I've ever seen...
 ...and I will post it every time I run across it.

Unless it concerns worms...in my body...then warn me...

A real coffee mug...

Animals behaving badly...

 God I love high contrast...



 I'm sorry, but is it just me...
 ...or does he just look like another spoiled rich douche bag who used to make fun of the rest of us mere mortals?

A whole new way to think about doors...

Is it true that people with green eyes can't see dogs?

Why the fuck do bologna and pony rhyme?

Now go back and see how many different patterns you can find.


Think government abuse of power can't effect you as long as you don't break the law? Read this short article:
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