About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, August 1, 2014

FRIDAY #2063

The woman in black...
 She has been spotted walking a long, long way...
 It seems that she tells every person she meets a different story as to who she is and what she's doing. Curious.


In Wales a man is pushing a Brussels sprout up Mount Snowdon with his nose.

 No word on his motivation.


Creating enemies faster than you can kill them...


Expect to see much more of this type thing...

Today I was walking down the street and saw a homeless guy...felt sorry for him and gave him a dollar. Then later I saw a homeless woman and gave her 76 cents.

Worst counterfeiter ever...

I would like to personally thank the person who proved that we actually do not eat spiders in our sleep.

When will this insanity cease...

I'm having one of those days where sunlight, people's faces and being awake annoys me.

My nephew just sent me a picture of his baby girl who ain't so baby anymore. This is for him...
 Speaking of parenthood...

Sorry, but it's not being biased that your political part is so easy to make fun of.

 Can any of you explain that instruction to me?

Don't judge me by the quantity of beer in my grocery cart. You have no idea the kinds of emotions I'm trying to drink away.

Great costume...

One of the most delightful things in life is laughing only because someone else is laughing really hard.

My wife's nude pics look nice if I squint.

My to-do list is the simplest way to keep track of everything I hate myself for failing to accomplish.

Birmingham, Ala-fucking-bama....
 My hometown.

Shit like this happens to me all the time...

 Posting stuff like this is the reason bloggers go to hell...

I dislike the use of the word "penetrate" when used in football. That's not a good enough reason to use that word.

Got a problem? I'm always available to drink until I'm a good listener.

Those zany arabs...

Any man who must say "I am a nice guy" is not a nice guy.

The is pretty much dead-on...

I live in a state that considers gay marriage more harmful than tobacco.

 The true nature of warfare in one image...

My wife told me that nobody apologizes after sex as well as I do.

In Europe French fries are served with mayo...I actually like it...

In America it costs more money to move your possessions than your possessions are actually worth.

Does anyone else think that it should be acceptable to knee uncontrolled small children in the grocery store?

So, it's come to this...

I never can tell whether they are obese because of the wheelchair or in the wheelchair because they're obese.

A couple of T-shirts worth sharing...

I call this "feel good" legislation. It doesn't work, but it makes them feel good that they stand by their values in the face of facts that prove them valueless.

I don't know all there is to know about this, but the part about keeping the queen is as strange as Canada doing the same thing...

When my wife tells me, "I like what you did with your hair", she is referring to me trimming my nostril hair. 

This sounds pretty legit...

Stop. Just stop. They KNOW they didn't do shit...

Who shot first?

Are animals all rapists because no animal has ever given a verbal "yes"?

Please stop referring to your 3 year old as 36 months old.

 Never seen this before....rather clever...

One cannot live by jokes alone.

I hate talking on the phone...I really do...

I watched the new "Noah". Silliest shit I've ever seen, but kind of neat fantasy flick.

I've never understood, with all the beautiful things in the world to document with photography, why cats? How did pics of cats become so popular?
I surmise that cat people don't get out much. You never see a pic of a cat stalking a song bird or torturing a mouse. 

Plane turbulence is caused by flying over hot areas, flying over mountains, and me getting up to use the airplane bathroom.

Every mural I've ever painted had the wall prepared, by me or someone else. This guy did not...

I met a girl that, when she was young, she practiced laughing so she would get it right. I find that….extraordinary.

I love making mosaics. I like the whole notion of the permanence...
(that is not one of mine)

When your wife says no, try asking louder in case she didn’t hear me.

If we don't have the rule of law, what do we have left?
Why can't people be as compassionate about being fucked by their government as they are a sporting events?
Look at her again. That's about how I look when I discuss some of the bullshit we call governance.


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