About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, September 1, 2014

MONDAY #2094


Porosshenko: Ukraine close to point of no return....

And the world does nothing...

"I believe in equality. Equality for everybody, no matter how stupid they are or how superior I am to them."

A nobleman is carried on a litter by four bearers, Korea, circa 1900

How I hope this wasn't photoshopped...

If there’s a Youtube ad, I’ll mute and look away…I guarantee it.

So, do you think this is photoshopped? Look carefully...
Did you notice how the skid marks on the ramp moves from the right ramp to the left ramp?

What a wonderful photograph...
 Then you find out that the one third from the right feels superior to the one on the far right. How did that happen?

Another great photo...
 So old people are more enthusiastic than others...

Sometimes when I got bored, I would teach children the wrong way to do something just as a joke.

I have no idea what this means...if anything...

Can you imagine what Adam thought when God made him a woman? Think about that carefully.

Rather powerful...

How can this be tolerated? 
 Do you think we would tolerate locking this magnificent creature in a small enclosure to be gawked at all day?
Questions need to be asked...

Solar panels aren't really "renewable". The light they absorb is lost forever! I, for one, think draining the sun is a bad idea.

I'm not self medicating with booze. The guy at the liquor store wrote me prescription. Well, he called it a receipt...whatever.

If I had 100 wishes, "spending more time with the wife" would be around wish number 23 or 24.

 I want to believe so much. It could explain so many things...

As I understand it, scientists looked at topographical maps to find the one place on earth perfectly shaped for a huge radio receptor (?) and it was in Puerto Rico...
Arecibo to be exact.
Then they "hung" the mesh...
 And suspended the receivers and it was a good thing.
When I was there I but stood in awe.

I bet it’s safe to assume that the man who coined the phrase “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure” was gay.

And that is true. You see, during the growing season, there is 23 or so hours of sunlight a day. 

 That's a little steep for most people. My friend, Rupert, saves all his one dollar bills for his "mad money" during his vacation. I, of course, save all my one dollar bills, but I make art out of mine.
Speaking of cash...

I am greatly admired for my ability to fall asleep regardless of location or amount of comfort.


Besides watermelon, there should be windmelon, firemelon and earthmelon - the four elemelons.



 Look what that knife can do....
 Thusly scraped, the butter spreads nicely. And, from the evidence below, I am not the only one who saw how good of an idea it truly is...

Watch with planets moving in real time...

Why is there even a 9 setting on toasters? Seriously.

Who could resist doing this?

Things to remember: 1. The Alamo.


If there are aliens more or less like us, somewhere there is the oldest alien.

This is a half-scale model of a hover bike...
The blade configuration is genius...for stability. 

I wonder what people do with all that time they saved by writing "UR" instead of "you are"?


One Of My Very Own...


How about...

I'll just let this speak for itself...

Employee Of The Month is a good example of how someone can be both a winner and a loser at the same time.

It's all about the light.

The good part about eating in bed is that everything is a napkin.

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