About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, September 27, 2014



 Oh, look, a traffic light on Mars...

Young North Korean bat shit crazy leader Kim Jong Un is suffering from "discomfort", state media has said in the first official acknowledgement of ill health after a prolonged period out of the public eye.

Well, well, well.

The latest insanity from a very troubled region of the world...

 A Turkish military vehicle stands next to the Turkish-Syrian border as Kurdish Syrian refugees gather at the border fence, near the southeastern town of Suruc in Sanliurfa province September 25, 2014.

Turkish soldiers stand guard as Syrians wait behind the border fences near the southeastern town of Suruc in Sanliurfa province, September 18, 2014. 

(Note: That's how other countries deal with illegal border crossings.)

Met a new friend today. His name is William....Welcome to Folio Olio.

I watched this again and noticed that he is running like that because the laser is on his legs... 

Worth a repost...

Ladies and gentlemen, a visual representation of rock bottom...
 Look at the look on the dog's face.

This store owner likes his money A LOT...

Know what this is?
 Golf cart roof.
I have nightmares about such things.

It starts early...

Our first drunk...

There is a lemming joke in here somewhere...

Road rage at its finest...

And he never saw it coming...

Looks like we found the morning drunk...

Words escape me...

You think she had some explaining to do?

How to know your dog hates you...

What a great recovery...
(I know it is a repost, but I have many new viewers)

Guy is trying to steal a painting...a too big painting...
He ended up just tucking it up under his arm and walking out....and, of course, was arrested.

EXACTLY what not to do in this situation...

Thank you, Russia, for buying cameras...

Why some people have trust issues...

$2000 worth of eggs...


Can you guys who are good at such things, search for the meaning of this image?

Nana dropping the.......ball...


And a good time was had by all...

People do this sort of thing with alarming regularity...
 ...on camera..........sober.

For all you scientists out there...
(my daughter will like that)

The drunkest man....IN....THE...WORLD....


Another drunk person...

I would feel so much better if I knew this guy was drunk...
...but I fear he attempted this insanity stone cold sober.

"Where's my truck, man?"

Does that dog give a shit?
 Yes, that dog gives a shit.

Please, somebody explain this to me...
I mean it. You can use stick figure sketches if you want.

Need a proofreader?
Nah....I got this....how hard could it be?

Oh, look, another drunk person...

Why do people want to get a close look at these things?

"Could you show me how it's done?"


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