About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


And I found this exceedingly interesting...
That's it superimposed on LA.

 Unfortunately, this image came to me without comment...


What is this? A fence and gate made of mirrors?
 Then where is the photographer. And where are the draping vines reflected on the right?

You know that weird moment when you come in the back door and you can’t figure out if your wife is being murdered or masturbating?

We all called my father, Papa.
 When he first retired he spent all day sitting in front of the TV screaming at game show contestants. Marquita would have sent him into a frenzy of curses.

 I'm not sure why I find that...macabre.

Everything’s depressing if you live long enough.

Les Misérables: [ley mee-zey-ra-bluh]
And for the couple hundred or so French people who tune in to this blog daily, I really don’t want to insult you, but "BLUH"?!? What kind of fucking way is that to end a word?

‘No No’, is a Documentary About Legendary Pittsburgh Pirates Pitcher Dock Ellis, Who Threw a No-Hitter while tripping on LSD.

Incredibly rare bird that survived 3,000-mile trip from Africa to Britain died after being mauled by cat

 We Americans, even the black ones, know next to nothing about African history, including the fact that they had empires and plenty of slavery before white men came.

One Of My Lesser Very Own...
That one was not very funny. I offer attempt number two...
(now go back and look at the expression on her face)

Read an article about the biggest regrets of people who are dying…
That was one of the top regrets. Others include staying in a job that is hated; caring too much what other people think; and letting yourself be defined by cultural expectations.

It may only be the weed, but shit seems to be getting out of hand.


"A group of people is called a hell."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

(that was a lie)

Did you know that at the start of WWII the French had no government? Think about that.

I find that one of the truest things I've ever read.

 The only reason men put semen in food is because they can.

I’ve learned that if I leave some cash on the stove every week, the cleaning fairy comes in and make my house sparkle and we….never….see….them.....but her name is Maria.

 Look, ladies, if you don't want us to look, then don't put them on display.
 It is impossible for men not to look a cleavage.
If more man did this...
...you would understand the allure.

It's called goddamnit now give me another grant!

The color of a man’s lips is the same as the head of his penis.

 Notice wear of old sill or jamb or whatever it is. You think that could happen just by decades of everyday wear?

I would pay money NOT to do this...
 I'm not a stay in neat rows kind of guy.

The trick to successfully backing out of a parking space is to not care what happens to you or anyone else.

Etam Cru New Mural - Boras, Sweden

This reminds me of another Papa story...
When he was young he was paddling along the bank of a river picking blackberries when a poisonous snake bit him in the upper arm. When he jerked his arm back, he also jerked the snake out of the bushes and into the boat. Frantically he used the paddle to flip the snake out of the boat, then he used his pocket knife to slice his flesh over the fang marks.
I've always smiled thinking of the look he must have had on his face when that big ass snake landed in his boat.
But maybe that's just me.

Four quad-copters can life a man...

The Little Mermaid (1989) The story of a girl who realizes that she should change EVERYTHING about herself to land a good man...

That's because Vermont has no slums. Sorry, but it's true.

So workers can still walk around it I assume...

Everyone is immortal until proven mortal.

 And they wouldn't be far off.

This is great!

This son of a bitch looks like he knows exactly what he's doing...
I had no idea this was possible...

I'm "it's 8:30 and you wanna start a movie this late" years old.


Spider Borland said...

-The A-10 is an amazing aircraft. I'm also amazed at a female pilot. Not that a woman could pilot a plane, but that she was given the chance too. I think most people assume piloting to be a boys club. (Thanks, Top Gun)

-Boobs. You're blaming the woman for the man looking. We live in a society that has told women that, to be sexy, they should dress like that. That's the same argument people make for rape. "Well, she shouldn't have worn that skirt." No. It's not the woman's fault. It's societies fault. A woman should be allowed to dress however she wants without fear of physical violence or criticism... however, I feel a woman should think about why she desires to dress a certain way. Is it what she wants, or it is what society requires of you?

-I actually view that spinning of the spider as barbaric.

Ralph Henry said...

So, Spider, am I too assume you are strong enough not to look at cleavage when you are presented with it?

Spider Borland said...

No, I'm not "strong enough," but that's not the boobs fault. These are new revelations I've made about myself and about society. I've been hardwired for 33 years to stare at boobs any time they're presented...

And it's disrespectful of me and I'm working to change it.

I was just using this moment to potentially have you think about your views on this.

On one side, women are encouraged to dress this way to be accepted in society. On the other side, they're then criticized for being sexy. Now we are seeing more prominent backlash from women who defend themselves dressing sexy. However, women who defend their looks are labeled as prudes. It's a perfect example of a Catch-22.

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