About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014



Tomorrow's the day, Scotland. You have a chance to do what people all over the world had to fight and die for. And all you have to do is vote...

NASA Inspector General Paul Martin has alerted of the awful state of the asteroid defense system, a program mandated by Congress in 2005 to detect and track at least 90 percent near-Earth objects greater than 460 feet (140 meters) in diameter by 2020. This is bad news. From the report:
While the program has discovered, categorized, and plotted the orbits of more than 11,000 NEOs since 1998, NASA estimates that it has identified only 10 percent of all asteroids 140 meters and larger.

(and yet, as far as I know, no one was fired from their job over this) 
A 65-year-old woman died yesterday after jumping into a lake at a Bangkok zoo containing hundreds of adult crocodiles, reports the BBC: "Thai tourist attractions are said to often have lax safety rules."

 (that last bit seems a bit of an understatement)

Athletes are an interesting breed...

Did you hear about the Oscar Pistorious drinking game?
Whenever your loved one goes to the bathroom, take four shots.

Dark humor isn't everyone's cup of liquified baby.

Would it be racist of me to ask if black men beat their wives or girlfriends more often than whites? And if so, why?

If interested, here's the link to the article...

Oh, my.

People without iPhones have to be physically told that they are being ignored.

J002E3's path in 2003.
To me it looks like we almost captured another moon.

Mexican uses for limes...
Did you catch the swatted fly?

This reminds me of my honeymoon...
 ...back when we were both adventurous.

Why don’t you just start the day with a beer like the rest of America?

Telling your girlfriend that she is fat is the most effective way to get her to diet.


 A cake?! I'm not sure a cake is going to make up for that shit.

Do I pay my taxes so they can rescue cats from a tree? Really?

Well, he would say that, wouldn't he?

Americans fitness survey...

My brother is so cheap he used to sneak into doctor's waiting rooms instead of subscribing to magazines.

Oh, really? Well, I think the people who are really big on patriotism are the same ones who cheat on their taxes at every opportunity; they hire undocumented aliens if they can save a buck; and skirt military service.
So don't pull that symbolism shit around me. If you talk the talk, then walk the fucking walk.

Every new technology had its challenges...
New fanangled. Is there such a thing as old fanangled? Or normal fanangled? And as anyone ever considered themselves a fanangler.

One Of My Very Own...
What young people used to expect the future to be...
 What young people now expect the future to be...
 I'm not saying I want the US to be a second rate power...
But seriously, I that really necessary? Young people are losing faith in the system....and I don't blame them.

Looks around to make sure his mates saw it...

Don’t drink and ink…period.

Get it?
 In bread little yappy-ass dogs.


Hemingway’s passport - 1923

This never gets old...

Then and now...

As I get older my tastes are changing, for instance I used to not like brussels sprouts but now I don't like people.

What a wonder scene...

Starting to get ready for my Canadian roadtrip...
 I'll send photos if this is true.



George Washington's teeth...

In their day that was state of the art.

A bracelet that inflates into a flotation device...
 EVERY sailor and boater ought to wear two.

 Oh, I have an idea. Put a lit candle to the nose of your dog....FOR FUN!
 How can anyone be that stupid?
The dog is probably in intense pain and instead of chewing your face off, the first thing he does is to neutralize the threat....to him and you.

 You think? Why is this still an issue?

 Can't you just smell it?
 I mean it. The smoke, the bacon smell, the insect repellent, ant poison...the exhaust from the generator recharging my laptop.

NYC Street Photography by Matt Weber

This looks so impressive....
 ...unless you know the trick.
This movie is being projected on a house...
Now imagine instead of a movie it was the words SEEN THINGS DIFFERENTLY and instead of a house it was projected in a large room with columns...at night...in the dark...and then you just trace it.
I always put dots in the areas that were to be painted black.

If it's letters, then why can't I tell what it spells?
 And if it is just shapes, then why are they all shaped like letters?
Never have gotten a satisfactory answer to that question. And I see thousands...MILLIONS of them like it's an accomplishment. 

Somebody sent me this...don't know who did it, but you get the point...
I find the juxtaposition....telling. 

If I worked at Starbuck’s I’d write “Kill Yourself” on everyone’s cups.

Got some time on your hands?

I did it and I didn't want to be the only one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! Wishing a special day for a special man...thanks again for all the smiles! :) C and C

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