About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014



They had a competition to see who could include the most. It was stated that these weren't their research papers, but rather articles they wrote for scientific journals.
So in their honor, I give you something to listen to as you browse...

Thanks, Ben.
So, they bend...

 I guess we've found the limit on how thin you can make something you are supposed to put in your pocket.
Yes, the world is a dangerous place...

Shellshock (a scary new computer bug) has been found in a software component known as Bash, which is a part of many Linux systems as well as Apple's Mac operating system. The bug can be used to remotely take control of almost any system using Bash.

Whereas something like Heartbleed was all about sniffing what was going on, this was about giving you direct access to the system. The door's wide open.
Some 500,000 machines worldwide were thought to have been vulnerable to Heartbleed. But early estimates, which experts said were conservative, suggest that Shellshock could hit at least 500 million machines. Using this vulnerability, attackers can potentially take over the operating system, access confidential information, make changes, et cetera.
For general home users worried about security, it is suggested simply keeping an eye on manufacturer websites for updates - particularly for hardware such as broadband routers.
Remember the stein I wanted for my birthday?
 Well, somebody loves me....and I love her too.
I have been getting my ass kicked when it comes to football gambling...
I mean it. I doesn't seem to matter how I bet...I am losing damn near every bet I lay.
But tomorrow is another day.

Optimism: Washing your sheets before a date.

A must read for people like me...

Sherlock Holmes was based on a real man, a physician who trained Arthur Conan Doyle at the University of Edinburgh. During his medical lectures, Joseph Bell regularly astonished his students with insights into his patients' lives and characters. But then he said this...

Oh, look, somebody is clever.......with a saw...

What's the payoff here?
Seriously, what does he get for doing this? Just a picture on the internet? Or the admiration of like-minded people?
People spend a lot of time to amuse us...
But they didn't stick hooks through their skin.
But I would like this opportunity to thank those last two...I was, indeed, amused....and in awe of their flawless looping.

I mentioned this years ago. I even included a link to the "game"...
 Now, as I understand it, it is starting to pay off.

 Yes, Gentle Readers, America is still banning books. I'm still awaiting public burnings, which wouldn't surprise me one bit.
And then there's this:

There is widespread censorship of books in US prisons, according to a report submitted to a UN human rights review, which details the banning of works about artists from Botticelli to Van Gogh from Texan state prisons for containing “sexually explicit images”.
Caravaggio, Cézanne, Dallí, Picasso, Raphael, Rembrandt and Renoir
Works by Gustav Flaubert, Langston Hughes, Flannery O’Connor, George Orwell, Ovid, Philip Roth, Salman Rushdie, John Updike, Shakespeare and Alice Walker

I'm not sure this is a good idea...
As I understand it, they are supposed to struggle...the stupid or weak ones don't make it, for good reason....but what do I know.

As much as I hate cats, I hate that fucker even worse...

The only cat I could tolerate in my house...
Wouldn't you love to see its sandbox?

Amsterdam Airport have recruited dogs to return lost items to their owners...

I so hope this is true.

Men behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives.

Animals behaving badly......"badly" being very subjective...
 Speaking of predators...
Falcon with a camera hunting down a crow.

Remember: Never drink and ink.

 Let's just let this speak for itself...
I really don't like this guy. He has a sound man, a camera man and a director with him, and I wouldn't be surprised if there was a script. He eats catered meals at night. Survivorman on the other hand...

People are always thinking...
 ...and I like that...I guess. But is it necessary?

One would think this would be a very good idea...

Men are usually too focused on the cleavage in the shirt to notice the crazy in the eyes.

This is Gary Dryfoos demonstrating one of the 2014 Ig Noble prizes: Use bacon "to stop uncontrollable, life-threatening nosebleeds."
(By the way, the bacon is very effective....TRUE) 

Shit you don't see every day...
...and never want to see again.

For students learning dance in the 1920s.

I read one time that "freaks" freaked out over efforts to end such shows because they were actually making pretty decent money, money they could not make anywhere else.

I want one of these shirts...

 Studies found that people ignored the Don't Walk sign...
 So they made it entertaining and people heeded its warning...
What a brilliant solution.
Have fun AND be more safe. Like getting two birds stoned at once.
They showed that there was a real human in a studio dancing in real time; the translated image sent to the sign.
That makes me smile a lot.
(Two birds stoned at once....I thought that very funny)

Migrating monarch butterflies over Illinois and Missouri.

Welding metal with friction.

My guess is that it insures the two joined rods are absolutely straight when finished.

I am very fond of this concept...
No...I mean I am VERY fond of it. I love changing my mind when proven wrong. It's like my hobby.
Got a comment about whether you ought to have to work to live on this planet. I agree with my original premise (that you do, in fact, have to work), but I am mulling the alternatives.

When will we wake up and at least TRY to do something about this?
I have written before that this is the biggest disparity in world history that DIDN'T lead to rebellion. That is a fact. Now what do we....you and me...do with that information?

Okay, maybe not illegal, but maybe it should be legal to walk up and rip them off the porch wall.

One Of My Very Own...
 I don't even remember why I thought that was funny....I suspect alcohol and late hours.
So here's another...

I’m the reason I smile every day. Seriously. I find myself very funny.

(Yes, Gentle Reader, that's the way some peoples' minds work.)

At one time a designer thought this would be a good idea...
Then the injuries and deaths rolled in. You see, people who drink sometimes do stupid things. One was to put the pull tab into the beer to keep it off the ground, then swallowing said pull tab with the last swig. And when they are thrown on the ground they can cut bare feet, and drinking barefoot is something Southerners do often.

New space suit design...
You might want to research this. Among it's many attributes, a tear can be repaired almost instantly. And notice the crotch bulge so she doesn't pinch your balls...if she had any.

The best laid plans...
 The whole world is calling it a huge commode...justifiably.

 As a collector of holy molies, I would be in hog heaven along this beach...

The whole "get a degree and earn a decent living" is like a Catch-23 situation.

I would sit and think that my life span would be an insignificant slice of just one of those bands...less than a grain. But I would be elated that I got to realize that.

Yes, I know it's 22, but 22 isn't funny.

How wonderful...
I love that table. I would eat kitten ovaries if it was served on that table. It's hard to think of anything I WOULDN'T eat served on that table.
"Are you going to finish the rest of your lama turds marinated in Komodo Dragon saliva?" I asked with my mouth full, pointing at her plate with a soiled fork - eyes wild in anticipation.

Why would anyone want to go skiing when you can sit in the comfort of your own kitchen and break your knees with a hammer.

 Yeah, right. Sure, you would live longer, as if you would want to.

“Only the good die young” is not good advice when trying to raise children with morals.
Think about that.

Did you know that 99.83473628% of facts on the internet are false?


Have you ever stalked someone so hard that you ended up on their brother's roommate's cousin's sister's page?

I got a comment on yesterday's blog about the penis size chart. It read: "I guess you didn't have room on the chart for Africa."


Anonymous said...

The comment was about whether you ought to have to pay to live on the planet. The need for work/effort was not brought into question. They are two separate matters.

Anonymous said...

"We must do away with the absolutely specious notion that everybody has to earn a living. It is a fact today that one in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest. The youth of today are absolutely right in recognizing this nonsense of earning a living. We keep inventing jobs because of this false idea that everybody has to be employed at some kind of drudgery because, according to Malthusian-Darwinian theory, he must justify his right to exist. So we have inspectors of inspectors and people making instruments for inspectors to inspect inspectors. The true business of people should be to go back to school and think about whatever it was they were thinking about before somebody came along and told them they had to earn a living."
- Buckminster Fuller, 1970

Jim Reed said...

To compliment the Bob Dylan post, the engineering department of a not-to-be-named company that I work with, have a running Monty Python and The Holy Grail competition. Here is one example from an engineering order:

“Place one bag with three (3) tablet holders in the flight deck. Refer to Table 2 for approximate locations. Three shall be the number of tablets thou shalt group together, and the number of the grouping shall be three.”

Ralph Henry said...

That is beautiful.
My motto in life is: You don't always have to play it straight.
Well done to your comrades.

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