About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, November 21, 2014

FRIDAY #2175

Look what I got in the mail today!

This, Gentle Reader, is what a Green Bay Packer fan looks like...
 And more than one person thinks I look a lot like this guy...

I had no idea...

I would have bet money that South Carolina would have been one of the last states...but I was wrong.



Something else exploded in the Russian sky...


He got a new shirt...

If you don't understand that shirt, I admire you.

There seems to be no end to "facts" offered to us free of charge on the internet...



Oh, me, oh, my.....

Let’s allow my elitism to  leap out. Would you go to a doctor who had had no formal training in medicine? Would you enter a building that was designed by an “engineer” with no formal training?

So how is it we are supposed to accept public art “tagged” by people with no formal training. Is there anyone who thinks art is so easy that you can just…I don’t know…absorb it by osmosis?
I beg to differ.

This is an example of what I call the Stumble Upon image...
 That's when you are driving or walking and you just happen to see something of interest.
Then there is going to a specific place and working for hours to find the right angle...
 Some people like to create or stage things to photograph...
I'm not saying one way is better than another, but there are some people who take a common object and make it special...

I saw the word plethora used in a headline the other day, so maybe there is hope for America.

I wonder how many people even know what this is...
I took two years of Engineering Drafting when I was in High School. It came in handed many times during my art making.

Chinese water torture...
 I had heard of that all my life, but never knew what it looked like.

 The personal space animals find comfortable is amazing...

Tractor-Trailer Stuck in Park, Driver Blames GPS...

Anyone and everyone in front of me in line is an asshole.

See anything odd?
The rock is in the water.

Maine artist John Bisbee has been creating sculpture work using a single building block: 12-inch nails.

A paraplegic veteran who served in Afghanistan pulled off a wedding surprise for his wife by joining her for their first dance without his wheelchair...
I don't know about this...
Being hung up like a pinata isn't my idea of showing my wife a good time on her special day.

I'm not really an "all or nothing" kind of guy, I'm more of a "minimum required effort or nothing" kind of guy.

Repost time...

I know it’s only mid-November but I’m already excited for the War on Christmas.

I could watch stuff like this all day...
It is making one half (the bottom) of a simply spinning children's top.

This is an email exchange I had recently:

Was checking my plan to see what is and isn’t covered:

It doesn’t cover Ibuprofen, aspirin, toothpaste, etc., but I can use it to pay someone to pray for me.  WTF!

I pointed out that it also paid for this...

This is the inquiry he made to his provider:

To whom it may concern,
I have a question about the eligible practitioner table listed in my FSA benefits.
Typically I would take two 200 mg Ibuprofen tablets for my arthritic knee, but since it is not covered I would like to use prayer to make me feel better.
As you can see in the table below, only the Christian religion is listed.  Are other religion’s practitioners accepted under my FSA plan?
I truly believe in the power of prayer, but I am not a Christian.  I am Pastafarian and would like to be reimbursed for the time and effort my practitioner bills me.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Best regards,

(yes, I have wonderful relatives)

This is a Lettuce Burger and it's a real thing...
That actually doesn't look that bad. I would want bleu cheese dressing on it.

One Of My Very Own...

This is exactly what I would have done given the opportunity...

Turning on your lights and siren after you lose a drag race is just poor sportsmanship.

 Scenes like this depress me...
 I find it sad that most of us (Americans) think that the pinnacle of achievement is to be just like everybody else.
And it starts almost from birth...
Most Americans think that if you memorize all the "rules" you will end up accepted and happy...
Why is it that so many of us, no matter what social class, feel the need for a uniform to show our "rank"?
The best advice I can give you...

My wife told me I wouldn’t amount to anything because I procrastinated, and I said, “Just wait.”

You don't have to be a sap to find that very touching. 

'Nuff Said.....

Why does ketchup taste nothing like a tomato?

This took me longer than it should have...
 But then I remember when girls could marry at 12 or thirteen....
I bet all young people who went for buggy rides took a blanket so they could fuck in the woods. And we all thought we invented fucking on the sly. And I've talked to adults...I mean VERY adult...who STILL maintain that they never "did it" until they were married. I don't believe it, but if I did believe it, I would also feel sorry for them for not taking charge of their own lives.

If running on a treadmill was the only way to recharge our cells phones, us Americans would be the healthiest people on the planet.

PonderAbout.com is a pretty cool website.
My kind of humor.

Somewhere that is that one person that made it necessary for instructions to be put on shampoo bottles.

 One of the hardest things for potters to learn to make is a plate...
Because of the nature of the clay they have a habit of cracking during they drying process. After 4 years of trying, I never got it quite right.

What a wonderful thing...
Without too much effort, you could program that to drop ultra-high contrast images like this... 
I volunteer to insert the images for free.

I like stuff like this, too...

Urban Photography by Marc Yankus...
 Every window has a story.
 You might want to Google Yankus. He has some great work.

People asked me if I’m so against tradition, why did I get married. I tell them the truth – I kneeled down to tie my shoe and my wife yelled, “I DO! I DO!”

Market Street, San Francisco after the earthquake, 1906.

Speaking of downtown streets...

I have a friend from Scotland and his accent is so thick we all have a hard time understanding his “English.” Today in front of other bar patrons I said, “Eddie, there's been a lot of coverage about weather on the news. Do you have weather in Scotland?” The ensuing question/answer conversation:
"Weather?" he asked.
"Do we have it?"
"In Scotland."
"In Scotland."
"You want to know if we have weather in Scotland?"
"Never mind. I knew you would deny it."
"No, no, no. We have lots of weather!"
"Every day?"

(you may have had to have been there)

I posted that because of my memory of how to say Flying Saucer in German. Their word for Saucer is Under Cup, so Flying Saucer comes out Flying Under Cup. I always thought that a bit humorous.



MacGyver said...

"Before I 'bolt' you"? I wonder what 'bolting' someone would be like.

Keep rolling good sir.

Ralph Henry said...

What is that in reference to?

Spider Borland said...

You say that being an artist requires formal trainer.

Frank Lloyd Wright, Corbusier, and van der Rohe, are legendary Architects who received no formal training.

Bowie, Hendrix, Keith Moon, never received formal training, and Zappa even said "Drop out of school before your mind rots from exposure to our mediocre educational system."

Ralph Henry said...

Wikipedia tells me that Wright took classes part-time for two semesters, and worked with a professor of civil engineering, Allan D. Conover at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
And van deer Rohe began his architectural career as an apprentice at the studio of Peter Behrens.
I never said you have to have a piece of paper to prove it, but both these men studied under men who did, in fact, have the paper to prove it.

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