About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, December 4, 2014


A tunnel with electric switches are seen in Josip Broz Tito's underground secret bunker (ARK) in Konjic, October 16, 2014. In the early 1950s, Josip Broz Tito, the late leader of the former Yugoslavia, ordered the building of the secret bunker, located 900 feet (270 m) underground and near the Bosnian town of Konjic, to safeguard the country's ruling class in case of a nuclear attack. Construction at the complex, which had a cost equivalent price tag of $4.6 billion, continued until 1979, the year before Tito died.

"...the country's ruling class..."
Fuck you.

 Nothing spreads the holiday cheer like...

My buddy's "office" that is the tech director for NBC sports and NBC  football...

What if your super power was “Sometimes Bulletproof” or “Walk Partially Through Walls” or “Can Predict The 2nd Fastest Checkout Lane”?

That image brought a big grin to my face.
My friend Clark Ellefson, a wonderful sculptor, once had a pickup truck and hung two signs down the sides of the bed that read SOUTHERN TOURS and had chairs in the back very similar to that truck above.
Being Southern, his chairs were like this...
He would drive people all over the state back then. It was a hoot.

Company makes guitar picks out of old coins...

Let’s design something, shall we? I want to invent personal transportation that people can drive almost anywhere. And I think the steering mechanism should be on the left side, for no apparent reason, I just like it that way. Now, should we have this vehicle drive and thusly park on the left side of the street so that once stopped the driver simply steps safely onto the sidewalk? No! Let’s have them drive on the right side of the street and after parked must for several long seconds put themselves directly into traffic…..every…single…time.

Who thinks up this insanity?!


My wife the first time she watched me load the dishwasher…

Me watching my wife trying to parallel park…

My wife the first time she saw me naked…

This is me reading my wife’s Facebook entry describing our wedding night…

Never stop an enemy when he’s making a mistake.

- Napolean

Oh, my... 

I plan to lose just enough weight that my belly doesn’t jiggle when I wave good-bye.

I met this man on one of mural sights.
He was a real prick. I told him a joke and he didn't laugh.
His young wife did, but he....no.
Here's one of my early work...
That young man won the Heisman Trophy.

Frida Kahlo: “I was born a bitch. I was born a painter.

'Wedding Photograph', 1929
She was really into self-portraits...
She continued to paint even after she became bedridden...
My main man, Matisse, became so feeble that he couldn't paint, so he cut out paper that an assistant glued on to surfaces...

For my daughter, who sent me the original...

For perfectly cooked burgers every time, go to a restaurant.

One Of My Very Own...

There's a lesson to be learned here...
...always sit in the front of the bus.

Private prisons are a disaster. You might want to do some research.

 And yes, that is her mugshot.

Music without words...
There is almost no way to teach a novice how to appreciate the use of color and form in creating art. It's like people who can't "get" opera because they don't understand the words.

Lock for the serious masturbator…

The face of every Oakland fan this season…

If the janitor at your school looks this happy, he's the weed guy...guaranteed...

Let's learn something disturbing...

 The reluctant optimist…

What are the three shortest words in the English Language? Is it in?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel...this year....you should show a little more nudity, on your site, this Holiday season... Thank you. TM. a very loyal long time reader

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