About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, February 1, 2015


I have these squares on a $10 per square football pool:
Seattle New England
8          0

2          4
6          3
4          7
9          4
Those are some pretty good damn numbers. A win will more than make up for my prior loses this year. Have also made many more bets taking NE straight up.
Wish me luck...after the year I've had, I need it.

Moving on....

Of all the things that religion does, brainwashing children is the worse...
They write completely illogical books for children...

Young minds are no allowed to ask too difficult a question or things are just made up to answer...
 You may think that you are doing this child a favor...
 Or these kids...
 And we all know that children a inclined to believe that they are born into the correct way of seeing the world...
 But, in my opinion, the whole salvation and living forever in a city with gold streets is all designed for crowd control...getting people to no break society's rules...
And guilt is a powerful motivation.
Children are taken to other worldly structures that reach for the sky...
With eerie light...
All to fill them with a sense of awe.
A brainwashed child will accept this as stated...
A normal child will be taught that billions of sun rise all over the universe and ours is nothing special.

Religion's shunning of science is it's biggest sin.
And religion MUST shun science. You can NOT believe in Adam and Eve and the rib thing AND believe in evolution.

And I lay it squarely at the feet of the most ridiculus dogma ever invented: "That's the way we've all ways done it."
I can think of another reaction... 
Please don't be stupid. The world needs every mind it can get. 
Do I believe that people who don't believe in evolution are stupid? Yes. Yes I do.

People are always using their religious books to condemn things that they personally dislike....
 Their opinion becomes somehow the creator's opinion...

If you don't believe this...
 Just look at the 100% track record of the gods that came before yours. And all the people who believed in those forgotten gods believed in them as strongly as you believe in yours.

Let's think now about the stupid shit people believe...
 There are millions of people who believe they will come back as a goat or whatever. Think about that.
Jews believe that they are god's chosen people.
 And by being god's chosen people, by definition, means that the rest of us ARE NOT god's chosen people. 
And that attitude pisses a whole bunch of people off...and not just the Nazis.

 As is my habit, here's what the other side has to say...
And I purposely didn't quote the murdering of children documented in the bible. Or the acceptance of slavery. Or the silly laws about wearing two different fabrics at a time. Just read the book. It condemns itself. 

 This pretty much sums it all up...

I am fascinated by the way religious people make stuff up using the words like "perhaps" to cover their ass.
"What did the lions eat when they got off the ark?"
"Perhaps god provided meat for them."
"Why didn't they explain that in the text?"
"God acts in mysterious ways."
(translation: I'm not allowed to think in logical terms and you are making me nervous)

A table of eight people spent a long time in a restaurant and when they left they didn't leave a tip. They left a religious tract....
 I wish you could have heard the waitress' reaction.

"I've believed this all my life and it's too late to change now."
I hear that often...
 You are always dropping and picking up ideas. We do that every day.
Think of all the stupid shit people believe in this day and age.
Vampires. Sure there are some nutcases who still believe, but the vast majority of us have dropped it.
 The spirit of animals speaking to humans...
 Not so much anymore.
The ridiculous rib story...
 Only the hard-core still believe that non-sense.
 Think about that. There is more evidence of ET's than there are of angles.
Do you still believe that during the death of Jesus that dead people became alive and walked around the city?
 If you do, why wouldn't someone in the government write that shit down?
Miracles. Breaking the laws of physics.
 There are dozens of TV shows that attempt to "prove" the miracles were doable...
One suggested the parting of the sea was more like this.
But that certainly doesn't take a miracle.

Anyway, finishing up, here's my favorite cartoonist...


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