About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


One Of My Very Own...

I find these fascinating...

I sure hope this next one turns out...I thought it the best...
Especially the guy on the right who desides to walk a while then his head shot.

With that technology, this is probably what I would come up with...

Whenever I can, I sneak this into a conversation:
"And that's it in a nutsack," instead of nutshell.

Pottery I can tolerate...

"In 1950, the Gallup organization asked high school seniors, 'Are you a very important person?' And at that point 12 percent said yes. They asked the same question in 2005 and 80 percent said, “Yes, I am a very important person.'"

This Japanese Island Has Grown 11 Times Bigger In Just 15 Months Thanks To Volcanic Eruptions...

Herds of beefalo (a bison-cattle hybrid) are causing massive damage to vegetation, water supplies, other animal species, and American Indian cliff dwellings in the Grand Canyon.

Simon says lower your expectation.

See anything odd...

I asked a young friend where he thought he would be in 5 years and he said, “Do I look like I’ve got 2020 vision?”

I saw this at a gas station once!

This weirdness has legs...
Now they wear it like a badge of honor...

At this point, shouldn’t the women’s body hair on Walking Dead look like they’re all Armenian?

I assume you all recognize this guy...
That big symbol on his chest is bio-hazard, by the way.
Anyway, they put make-up all over him, then he slowly washed it off and it was very strange...
Speaking of...

Hulk the 175-Pound Trained Pit Bull Dog Is Really Just a Pussycat When It Comes to His Family
 I think the key words were "when it comes to his family"...

Hulk is a part of DarkDynastyK9s, a stable of dogs who have been professionally trained to protect humans when given the signal to do so.

Pop Art of the Top Part of a Pop Tart

At 117 years old, Misao Okawa has lived across three centuries, which have seen 6 UK Monarchs, 4 Emperors of Japan and 20 US Presidents and the advent of motor vehicles...and manned flight...

 World's Shortest Horror Film

This wine guy is hilarious...

The Customer Who Inspired This Sign...

 (I did that and it was kind of fun)

 Holy fucking shit!

Keep your friend’s toast, but keep your enemy’s toaster.

Graffiti Gods, Pichi & Avo
Dedicated ain't she?

There a huge discussion between what is art and what is not art AND what is good art and what is bad art...
I am of the opinion that it has more to do with the motivation than the product...why you did it instead of what you did.

 It's very difficult for me to tell what's going on here, so I did some research...
The piece has three planes: The background with the large grain; the carved woman; and the "waves" that are sitting at a 45 degree angle.

What could possibly go wrong.

 Now THAT is a pipe...

Looks like she will stay high until next August.
They had a clip of 24 karat rolling papers but I wasn't going to wait through a one minute ad to see it.

How do you spell stupid in Egyptian?

When you see some boobs and want to share them with everyone on the Jumbotron...

My Final Word...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think doing a random page on the weekend is a good idea. That way you don't have to worry about weekend posts and have time for you and your family (which is definitely more important than a blog!) and the us selfish readers who want a blog everyday (me :) sorry hehe) will have something to read, even from as far back from the beginning of your blog. That's exciting!

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