About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, April 17, 2015

FRIDAY #2318

One Of My Very Own...
Gentle Reader, I warned you several weeks ago that I had completely some rather lame OOMVO collection. You may have noticed that we are slogging through that collection at this time. It too shall pass.


A poor man's chess set...
They found out there were less injuries this way...
 This is just part of a huge underground water tank under Tokyo...
 It is used to contain excess runoff from heavy rains.
This is a combination doorbell/camera. When someone comes to your door, it calls your cellphone and you can see and talk to the visitor.


Do you think that every woman on earth is born knowing how to do this?

Question: If soy based foods can be made to look like, taste like and have the same texture as various meats, would you eat them?
Well, there are a whole bunch of people working on just that. I say if you can't tell the difference, then go for it. 
Until then, I present Tater Tot waffles...

Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko on which humans have landed a probe would float in water.

And that was said to be true on several sites. Apparently, moments after this shot he charged.

These are bricks painted on a concrete block wall...
 I've painted a million of them.


Learned a couple of things I didn't know about Picasso...

Yesterday, 30-year-old Russian man Valery Spiridonov volunteered to become the first person in the world to undergo a complete head transplant. Literally his entire head. On a different body. The operation will be carried out by Italian surgeon Dr Sergio Canavero, in what he expects to be a 36-hour procedure involving 150 doctors and nurses.



This guy is Israeli and the sheep(goats?) or arab...
 And I have no idea what that means.
Southerners don't see ice all that often...
 Speaking of piers and lakes...

Laundry day...

Wouldn't you love to hear the conversation between this man and his insurance agent...
Speaking of drinking...
 Notice how this next girl's knee is locked? She is in for a very bad evening...
 Don't ask me how I know that.
But I can say that I've never been this drunk...

You still see shit like this down South...
 How soon they forget...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While being interviewed, the russian transplant victim? stated:
"My decision is final and I do not plan to change my mind.""

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